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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. mushroom dah takut~~ ok ok, close topic on white shirt guys, haha~ aku pn takut jgk,
  2. pm me price for all boxset please..
  3. thanks bro Rayz.. btw all items that had been bought from me all already been handed to post office yesterday.. expect to receive them in 1-2 days.. thanks again, n sale closed till further notice!! thanks guys!!
  4. the white shirt one? That white shirt handsome D with the bag full of custom made..latest creation custom convoy shell bone shaker. not that one... the white shirt one? That white shirt handsome D with the bag full of custom made..latest creation custom convoy shell bone shaker. I think he point to another guy in with "T" lah!! Not the one that u think he is!! .... ! all of you got it wrong, see the guy with mohawk hair style, thats the one la........... not that mohawk one also.. but the one next to the mohawk guy, back of stripes shirt guy
  5. wahh.. superb item.. gud luck in ur sales bro!!
  6. what the heck!! love the 3rd pics!
  7. jhc7598

    early may haul

    great hauls bro!!
  8. wahh!!! manyak poison la ini topic!! gud luck in ur sales bro!!
  9. the one with a lot of cendawan........
  10. jhc7598

    4 RAOK's in a row

    wow, great presents!! congrats!!
  11. I was too late..cannot see the price oredi lol always can pm,
  12. i love the back wheels.. maybe can fit into DragBuses??
  13. that will be, great!!! i love it!!
  14. nice work, dude!! i didnt know u also into customizing HWs!!
  15. i would want a few for my customs!! nice~~
  16. jhc7598

    May's Haul..

    mana tau got signed,
  17. jhc7598

    May's Haul..

    delivery series got chase??
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