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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. hi all.. its been a while since i post anything here, so to start, i'll post some of my hauls ( maybe not all) here in this topic, and will update as time being. 17 June 2010 Update!!! Page 8 07 June 2010 update Part 1 Part 2 24 April 2010 05 March 2010 28 Feb 2010 Spoiler: my civic collection grows 200++% in one time, zooming~ Modern or classic?? my way of greenies!! so called SEMA, and here the special 10Pack, spot the special car here the car, VVVHTF 09 White FTE Kmart EvoX with OH5SP!! Now i'm completed all variation of EvoX so far!! and this haul that made me slow in hunting, [spoiler] till next time, thanks for viewing
  2. new poisons thread detected!!
  3. that challenger!! damn gorgeous!!
  4. Listen to big bro, Loose them!! btw all great cars u had bro!!!
  5. dia nyer custom car still ada kat aku, huhu~~
  6. same list with me, but + ratbomb in.. me want only ratbomb,
  7. for me its happy and happy haul.. coz happy got TH, an happy can hold the TH even tho had to slaughter it!! u'll find another one carded for sure!!
  8. wah, good idea n very nice indeed!! and neatly done too!! i love the color (pearl white maybe?)!!
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