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Everything posted by msclee

  1. bang, just admiring what a collector has.. Those skyline does not turn me on... I have better... ok, you win Hahaha.....thank you very much for your great support my big brader sahama......
  2. Sure or not? Have to dig inside the boxes hahaha.....yes, dig deeper too as your collection was huge
  3. phewitttttt!!!!!...........ganasnyeeeeeeer!!!!!!! Hebat!!!!
  4. Congrat bro......tiap tiap malam kena OT tukar lampin dan susu lioa
  5. msclee


    Walan wei......JC Whitney!!!! Great bug......
  6. Yup.....we'll wait for it!!!! Right my big brader (sahama)???
  7. Thank you everyone.....my smiley face ady frozen with all your great compliments.....
  8. hahahaha....yup and I think it is time for all the hunt come out now by mattel.....dunno I'm right or wrong...it just my guess
  9. Wowowowow.....still got lucky charm, Hunt DB and other bus not yet shown. Very power already....gua really habis tumpas now
  10. Got but ke bang? What I mean ..But..thank you . I already got more dd and drag truck from mushroom and I getting some more this Sunday at Amcopm. Anyway my flight cannot reach Sepang. Oh wow....what happen to your flight and why cannot reach sepang? Maybe the flight too heavy to touch down at sepang cos of you bought a lot of DD and drag truck from mushroom ke? wakakakaka.....
  11. Thank you RG...always mimpi you as N.Nasir pulak!!!! lol mimpi me? sure or not? ..btw your petronas really can mesra mesra with you one.... hahaha....yes, very mesra at this forum too
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