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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I dont remember a hansel and gretel week before , but then again I do have a horrendous memory lol
  2. Hope you have an amazing day hun xxxxxxxxxxx
  3. I just managed to get in using firefox...but it took ages to load
  4. I'm getting really fed up now cant load the game at all
  5. I get that all the time here...swear my postman cant read! I live in Jenner Road, but just off here there is a Jenner Close....and he is always getting the mail mixed up
  6. Glad you like it hun I was beginning to think it had got lost in the post..I posted it on Friday
  7. Hey chick! Glad to hear you in such great spirits!! I know the surgery is a scary idea, but 75% chance is still very high and well worth it! Good luck with the losing weight, having you op is such a huge incentive that I'm sure you will succeed Hugest of hugs to you sweetie xxxxx
  8. you wont be dissapointed! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOo another soon to be twilight addict!!!
  9. well.................. I did enjoy the film, but I think I spoilt it a little for myself by re-reading eclipse right before I saw it Obviously there is so much information in the book that hey have to chop bits and alter things, but I felt the beggining was very disorientating as they had to pack so much in, and it flitted from one scene to another so quickly All in all though still loved the film, was brilliant to see more of the balance of Edward and Jacob, as to me Twilight was Edward and New moon more Jacob. Not going to say too much more as I would hate to spoil anything for those who havent seen it Will deffinately be pre-ordering it as soon as the DVD is released to watch over and over again
  10. I am so excited!! I am going to see eclipse today!!! Only 4 more hours and then I'll be there...already got a huge grin on my face! Finished reading Eclipse (again) last nigth so that was fab timing
  11. Hey hun! I was thinking of you the other day and wondering how you are! Glad to hear you are ok, even though we do miss you around the group There have been loads of changes in PS the past few weeks, but I'm sure you will notice them when you are back online Have you managed to see Eclipse yet? I'm hoping to go tomorrow Keep in touch, even if it is just a quick hello hugs xxxxxxxxx
  12. OMG hun!! Thank you so much!!!!! I really cannot believe you have sent such an amazing gift!! I am going to make a special roomm to put Rosies new horse and carriage in
  13. the horse moves laz which makes it animated
  14. I watched the films before I read the books (something I would never normally do lol) and really enjoyed the fims, but in my opinion they dont compare with the books. They are amazing! So much more detail and you get much more of a feel for the characters. Even though I knew what was going to happen, because of the film, I still found myself totally engrosed in the books to the point where no housework got done
  15. lea75

    Happy Monday

    Morning all It's raining here today...which about sums up how I feel today I'm aching head to toe, so going to try and have a chilled out morning, then off to music time this afternoon with my girls. Phoebe loves playing all the instruments and learning new songs It is really cute! My son has gone off on his school trip this morning, he has gone on an adventure holiday for 5 days...so its certainly going to be quiter around here lol. I have to try and decorate his bedroom before he gets back
  16. What is your favourite item released this week? Personally I love the versallies garden window, it looks great in the dolls house
  17. Talk about a shock! I was looking through the new items in PS and cannot believe that the regal carriage cost 18,000 coins!!! That is so expensive! I really do like it and it I know it is animated....but 18,000 coins is sooooooooo OTT. Not sure if I'm going to get it yet
  18. lea75

    Face paint tastic!

    I'll transfer them from my phone in a bit then I can post them and ok I will admit it...it is fun lol
  19. I think I'm going to start charging my girls for face painting lol They do get slightly carried away (it is them honest not me ) The have both got their faces painted, I've painted both their arms, and they even have one on the ankle Good job we are not going out anywhere
  20. Anyone else find that they are spending more time in Frontierville than in PS?? I know I am lol There is jus tmore to do in there, the challenges keep it interesting...well to me anyway lol
  21. Hope you have a fabulous time hun xxxxxxxx
  22. lea75

    long day today

    I have a long boring day ahead of me today on my way to doctors now then some shopping then off to hospital for blood tests then off to see the nurse to check my blood results then home to pick up my son to take him shopping to get a few things he needs for his holiday next week. I'm going to be shattered later. I'll check in on my phone every time I'm sat on the bus, which will be often lol x
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