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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75

    made me cry

    I used to have a book with all of Notradamus' prophesies in it...I ended up throwing it away as it was such a load of rubbish
  2. thanks to both of you for caring enough about our members to want to do all you can to keep them safe when trading...you both are
  3. thats exactly the same problem I am having...I have grown a regal flower in my garden and that one is fine...but the one I am growing in my butterfly pot is causing trouble..it is fine as long a I leave it alone...but as soon as I try and pick it I cant save my game I have reported it to playfish but I doubt they will do anything
  4. keep you smiling all day?? lol
  5. lea75

    made me cry

    Laz....if you read back through history, you will notice a string of prophecies (including the end of the world) that have not come true. I honestly would not worry about it. Yes I believe we all need to think about what we are doing to our world and do all we can to look after it. However, human activities can not be blamed for the ice age....and this proves that the world can and will change even without human in it. Do your bit to keep the earth green...but dont worry about things you cannot change xxx
  6. so glad I've made your day smorkle I've even put that photo as my wallpaper on my mobile. so I can take him with me where ever I go
  7. It is great to see the pictures to go with the audio....but then I know how much work it is for you hun xx
  8. Its always scary when someone you love so much is not very well Fingers crossed hun that he is ok xxxxxx
  9. my best score!! I got them all right
  10. lea75

    10 track album

    8, The ballad of John and Yoko - Beatles
  11. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm twilight *drools* oooops sorry that was off topic then lol I've used Gimp and photoshop and much prefer photoshop...I find everything so much easier to do on it, and everything is better laid out............ just my humble opinion though
  12. this is the link to the interview on Ellen, just for you Smorkle
  13. nor me I much prefer it longer on the sides
  14. lea75

    10 track album

    6. Daniel - Elton John
  15. its great to see you back hun...we have missed you around here xx You know no matter how long you are away for, that we will always miss you and cant wait to welcome you back xx
  16. sounds like you had an amazing day hun...thats fab, you deserved it You will have to pm me the title and author of that book
  17. lea75

    Good Morning!!

    looking forward to reading your work Yvette..thanks
  18. lea75

    Good Morning!!

    http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/twilight-addicts-f44/omg-t11246.htm there is a bigger pic of my avitar here What do you write about Yvette? I would love to read something you have written
  19. I do 2 loads a day..and I have a huge washing machine
  20. lea75

    Good Morning!!

    my avitar is ace! Maybe that is why it feels soooooooo hot here today LMAO!! I have washing to peg out now then more to go in...its never ending Hope you Noah feels better soon xxxxxx
  21. lea75

    Good Morning!!

    awwww thanks for the hugs hun right back at ya xxxxxxxx
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