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Everything posted by smut

  1. lol i just thing it different from people to people what they thing it is easy because i cant understand photoshop but i understand gimp
  2. ohhh i havent see this post before i read my maby becasue my internet is realy bad today and broken down every time i try to writh ore do some thing but im realy happy to read this because now i nowe i dont need to use tow app to do it but only use gimp lol thank you again
  3. "when i have understanding it right you will have the pick to start moving ore something like this?" i have only use Gimp because i cant find out of all the other but i havent do anything animations in gimp but i have do all the pick in gimp and so i have uset a nother app to animate it in
  4. smut

    Follow us on Twitter!

    im realy dontnow how to use twitter
  5. wow so sad that i not have to much time to bee in here more but best wish fore the other people
  6. im just a littel confuse what do you mean? what new
  7. smut

    Ever Noticed this?

    yes i now it but i thign that there ids more girl than boys that play this game
  8. smut

    Halloween Smileys

    wow how scary smilys :pump:
  9. wow how sad they other ´not will be it more but so glad to now some other and sweet poeople is here instet nand welcome to them
  10. smut

    Whats your score?

    wow how funny i got 63% first time
  11. thanks all and yes it was realy great and i now what you feel chay i hav the same fealing some days ago before i meet them but i thing it is realy hard to do in the most countrys because the countrys is so big but i now the person how have malking this her emeating have read about it in the franch sub forum in play fish forum because the franch people have make some thing like this last summer and so she thing when they cane do it why so not the danish because denmark is a lot smaller than franch so she make it and we came around 14 danish pet society plays
  12. hallo again all now im back i havent bee online the last days because i ahvent be home becasue some off the scandinavien pet society players havent talk about to meating in realy life and now we do it so the yesterday i travelt to copenhagen to see some off the other danish pet society players in relay life it was so great and so funny to see them irl. and im just came home now and im realy tired and realy happy becasue it have been a rtealy great meating and i and soem of the other play have a bed i sleep on so i first take home again today
  13. wow i see i was the lucky member 21/10/10 i just see it now when i came home from 2 great days when i meet some off the scandinaviens pet society players in real life we have make a meating in copenhagen and it was so great so i just came home again now and se this here so great
  14. is there still some one there use this here?
  15. wow what a masing they look so cute and scary at the sam etime
  16. smut

    Good morning Sunday

    i havent tv in my bedroom but i also got a new tv today just fore my drawing room but i have purcase it at fridays but it have stay at my parent home to they came today because it is not to easy to go ore to ride a bicycle with a tv on 32" lol so to day my mom and dad came with it and i now try to find out how it works but it is not to easy and i just thig it is realy big the new one because the old one was a realy old and small tv it was my first tv and i have it in my old bedroom in my parents home so the new one it is realy big to got instet of the old
  17. sure i now it because i have do it many times the same with milk now i have a milk ther eis 2 days over but it is still god the date it is just to the store can be sure it still fine this here week i was out to purcase some intims to my fridge and i see some meat on sale to the half and i look on it a see it was the last date to sell it but when i put it to the frezzer it cut be good fore long time still and i purcase it so i got 9 dinner in my frezzer fore 45 danish coins im not sure what it is in euro but i thing it must be multiply with around 7,45 and it is realy realy low prize in denmark fore so many dinners so i thign im realy lucky my mum and dad says it was not fair it must be them instet fore me lol i just laught and say no it must not be you but me because i hvae not so many money than you so im realy lucky i have ssen this sale
  18. i love some off the inrtims but i thing it is a ælittel early to got halloween already but in the store irl they also already have got halloween here in denmark and when they move the halloween intims they begining to got christmas in the store here some store already have sold christmas intims more than a month now it is so early and so sad because all the fun with christmas is gon beforw christmas when they start so ealy but it is the life but im so sad because the most of the intims i realy like this time is cc and i never got it so i realy like the oversize wallkinclothes and i dream about to have all 4 colection intims to the special room but it is a dream lol
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