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Everything posted by Robbie

  1. Thought you were camping Dick? i was going to mike but got no kip last time i found that with southen meet, one min i was hot the next i was cold so i kept waking up That may have had something to do with Dave "entering" during the night.
  2. I can understand taking it to the dealer to get serviced whilst still under warranty as if they find something wrong they can sort it. Mine is due the 7,500 service soon and the warranty runs out in July too so i'll be booking in with the dealer as well although I would say that you no longer have to take it to the manufacturers accredited dealer to service it anymore whilst under warranty. As long as its serviced to the recommended spec' and the book stamped you warranty is still valid. Scroll down to the 4th question in the link. I know it says cars but it goes for bikes too. http://www.theaa.com/motoring_advice/general-advice/car-servicing-and-repair-faqs.html#dealer
  3. i do trust Redcar motorcycles been going there since i was a teenager , And here's proof of Dave taking his 1st bike there.
  4. Wasn't quite thinking that far oop norf York sounds good,been there before
  5. Anywhere near me sounds good seriously though as the last 2 have been in the middle and south west (of me anyway ) of the country then maybe its only fair that the next one should be a little further "up norf"
  6. Anyone want any cheap gear for the ride out. Lidl
  7. Good night all round. Might have popped over but didn't get an invite
  8. too right its not ,if you read the info I have already said this , It's not, oh bugger
  9. Charming, don't want to wait. I'll remember that next time were out and have to wait for you to catch up again
  10. hehe, I've always said MCN was a load of shite but maybe this time they have a point Just think positive and be grateful it's not a multistrada
  11. Forget my previous post change of plan I can no longer make It.
  12. I went out for an hour this morning it was a bit brisk but didn't find it too bad. Plenty of road salt around though.
  13. Maybe he's just had enough of forums for the time being. I get like it sometimes where I can't be arsed with them and just have a quick lurk occasionally.
  14. I'm sure a few more will come nearer the time. I'm up for it as long as I've got my spending money sorted by then.
  15. is it anywhere nice ? Nothing special. L.A. and Vegas.
  16. I won't commit until nearer the time as it will depend on how my funds are for my trip in September.
  17. Damn right, be afraid.............be very afraid.
  18. and it does I know 'cause I just said it Although I may be corrected
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