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Everything posted by trebor4460

  1. Nice project, seat unit looks nice,
  2. Has Airlock left then? Anyways.. Them carbs are sure crapped up,
  3. Not so much satire with Clarkson, he takes every opotunity to knock motorcycles, mind u i still find him funny and do like to watch Top Gear,
  4. Looks a nice bike Dave, bet she gos some if u give her the beans. Trouble is the Bandit kinda spoils you in the comfort stakes, you could do a lot worst than owning one of them beasts mind, cracking bike.
  5. Swapped it now chad, was gutted to see it go..... NOT.. gone from one extreme to the other now, this is my present motor,
  6. I prefer the winter.... It's dryer.....specially in my motor,
  7. Don't waste your oil till spring Dave, a lot of cold starting, firing her up in the garage to get the oil round over winter causes a lot of condensation, and just running her till warm and not actually taking her out means it don't really burn off,
  8. well done Stue and Dave and all the members,
  9. trebor4460

    how's it goin

    Welcome to the forum buddy, welcome
  10. hell yeh, that would be nice,
  11. Well after such a cracking gud summer it won't surprise me.. Was blown about all over the place on the Bandit tday...
  12. Your right there Stan, my m8 has had average quoted of 3 grand....
  13. Bang on, Gotta feel sry for young drivers and insurance companies now days, my 19 year old daughter just got her own car and her ins cost me and her mother £1900... For f sake.... Imaging the bandit bling you could have
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