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Everything posted by trebor4460

  1. did we not mention Stue how theres a heat this weekend and its gonna be glorious biking weather......
  2. Me and Andy Lakin, maybe Dave Hutch and poss a few lads from my neck of the woods are going to have a bimble down Matlock on Sunday for fish and chips and a nice cuppa rosy lee so if any of u guys, gals are in the area come over for a chin wag. we will get there about 12, fill the old gut then sit outside and watch the birds and bikes go by.... hope to see some of ya maybe...
  3. Cool pics, that mini moto looks ace,
  4. trebor4460


    Welcome buddy, welcome
  5. Dave ban Stue as well will ya, in fact, Stue, ban yourself please....
  6. . The waveys are a gud cheaper option if your oems wear out,
  7. just look gud thats all, they are on a par with the oem discs, no better, no worst...
  8. nice 1, thats the way, 150 smackers a disc..... them waveys will look gud on and it feels like u gotta a bit of something for your hard earned too yeah really good place on ebay i found do waveys for bandit on there as well same price got some very similar already on,
  9. shame to keep her off the road m8, get her sorted
  10. Ban em Dave... Ban em all.... me and you know Maroon is "the" classic colour..
  11. nice 1, thats the way, 150 smackers a disc..... them waveys will look gud on and it feels like u gotta a bit of something for your hard earned too
  12. it happens soooo many times, the dude was very lucky that time..
  13. My mrs is watchin Corrie..... I got no chance,
  14. Great pic, Smokin Joe, he was one tough nut to crack in his day.
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