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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I'm doing 1 week around north France in June, cant wait
  2. Wow, what is it with scumbags and dogs, glad to see the law did right for once
  3. First time i have seen the drop off system, looks god, makes sense.
  4. oooooo, shiny shiney I don't know why, I thought you had a B6
  5. 17 years that will have real fossil fuel in it then
  6. If you had done that , I think you would be a bit DEAD when the mrs got you Who said it was in MY house lol
  7. Very nice , Am I very slow here, you are Matts mum??
  8. Looks like a good time was had by all
  9. very nice, must have a cool dad
  10. Shame I already have one, thats a little cracker mate, sure it will sell real quick.
  11. She just told me that she's secretly a bloke I think that was a Cock and Bull story
  12. I have a fool proof system, it's called a wife, she knows where every thing is
  13. What the Sam Hill are we even doing there!!!!!!
  14. Bet yours was faster Gaz, with those bits of black on it
  15. Been at work since I posted this, Well ur all fooked coz she's my bird and I was just showing you her, she told me I was the best sh:g on this site and she wasnt interested in the rest of you
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