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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. They used to collect scrap metal
  2. Gaz as that ice cream van been around again
  3. Id never get bored of wathing the TT from this spot
  4. Sign of the times aint it, bloody makes me sick all this health and safety lark
  5. Cheers mate atleast someone admires me, wander how many more fans will come forward
  6. Irish motorcyclist Derek Brien has died after a high-speed accident Isle of Man TT organisers have announced. The 34-year-old was killed while competing in the opening four-lap Supersport race which was immediately stopped following the incident. A statement on the Isle of Man TT website announced his death: 'ACU Events Ltd regrets to announce the death of Derek Brien, 34, from Co. Meath in Ireland who was killed during the first Supersport race at the 2011 Isle of Man TT Races following a high-speed accident at Gorse Lea. derek is an amazing person, who will never ever be forgotton... we all love and miss you
  7. Excellent Dan we are hoping to be sat at Woodcote A seats 46/69 if we get there early enough, who you going with mate
  8. it oh happy days well done
  9. Wonder if the NHS organ donor service feel that way too? Biker = donor Carry a donor card peeps http://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/ukt/how_to_become_a_donor/how_to_become_a_donor.jsp or better still, don't be a statistic!I do and always will
  10. Hang on in there mate im sure someone on here will tell ya soon, i havent a clue mate sorry.
  11. Noz your a wicked woman but i love ya all the same
  12. This is no criticism of ya mate, but if only you knew what work goes into setting a MotoGp bike up then you would understand, if the setups not right then racing becomes dull trust me, so stick with it mate and look forward to next year when they go back to 1000ccs they need to get rid of the electronics on these machines then racing would be interesting most riders dont like em anyway. Setup is everything mate, still cant beat watching live though.
  13. Thanks everyone as for physio ive got to wait for over a month just to see how it goes, if its no better then ive got to have key hole surgery just to have a look inside and see exactly whats going on, as for the ride out in july if i cant ride then i will be in the cage but atleast ile be there
  14. Me and Day101 will be there early and getting our seats for a cracking days racing ahead cant wait, lets have it if anyone else is going let us know we could meet up at some point
  15. prob cos they aren't allowed to. BSB lot do... and end up breaking things like Easton, still gives Lowes a good crack at it.Yea Noz your right, there contracts wouldnt allow them too, plus Darmember they are worlds apart from each others in riding styles, a lot of road racers generally find short circuit racing boring lap after lap, i only know this as thats what a lot off them have told me over the years, they do bsb etc etc as it pays well compaired to road racing...and dont forget the isle of man tt was part of the motogp calender years ago. But like ive always said every racer is an hero in my book risking there lives week in and week out so heres a big to all you guys and gals who take part
  16. Health and safety would love me doing that at work havent done that one in years guys if you all lived closer id fit em all free for ya whilst you waited
  17. I remember watching this with the wifey and couldnt stop especially when he it that post my sides were split in half dont worry dave i didnt find the post funny much pmsl again.
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