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Proof of God

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Everything posted by Proof of God

  1. Amen! dreams3! Think on these things... whatsoever things are GOOD! Take every negative thought captive and replace it with something Good! And whenever I am going through something stressful the Lord gives me a dream that shows me the outcome, and it comforts me in advance. Love, mia
  2. Seriously, the worst thing I procrastinated about was the laundry. I am ashamed to admit that I was piles and piles of laundry behind for the first 35 years of my life. Then I had a dream that a man, whose face I couldn't see, handed me a gun which I hid in a laundry basket. Several years later, I realized what the dream meant because suddenly I was perfect laundry. It was always done, ironed, folded, put away. And pretty much has been for years now. I later realized that I had the dream about the Lord giving me the power (gun) to overcome my laundry. And for me it was also because I am a perfectionist. If I can't do it all, and can't do all of it perfectly, I don't even want to start it. I recommend asking God for help. I am seriously a different person in areas that I used to procrastinate and I know it is because of the power He's given me.
  3. Nubava, LOL. By getting up and doing. Love, mia
  4. I feel strongly to exhort one another that we need to remember to have respect for biblical prophetic dream interpretation. It is not something to take lightly, especially when people are imparting answers to dreams which determine the course of people's lives. We need to remember to seek God first before we look to people for dream interpretations. I feel very strongly that depending on other people for the interpretation of dreams angers God, because circumventing God for divine answers is divination. When someone gives an answer that is supposed to be an interpretation to a divine dream and it is wrong it is DIVINATION. Why? Because giving a wrong interpretation to a dream, as a supposed supernatural answer, to a supernatural dream, is false prophecy which is also known as divination. 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry..... divination qecem 1) divination, witchcraft a) of the nations, Balaam b) of false prophets c) in a good sense (king's lips as oracles) divine - nachash 1) to practice divination, divine, observe signs, learn by experience, diligently observe, practice fortunetelling, take as an omen a) (Piel) 1) to practice divination 2) to observe the signs or omens Now, obviously, I believe God gives dreams, and I believe that He wants us to know what our dreams mean, BUT I do not believe that He wants us circumventing Him for the answers. Think about what pleases Him. Would this please Him: He sends me a message and I run off to y'all for the answer without taking one moment to ask Him, seek Him, thank Him, nothing. Or, would it please Him if we diligently sought Him for the answer? Going to false prophets, which there abound many even on this board, is divination. And getting answers to your dreams from them will lead to disaster! If you don't know if a person is genuine don't accept their interpretations as fact, because of the people who have attempted the dream interpretation test not ONE person has passed. Each one of them had one or two dreams right but do you want that kind of tract record answering your important messages from God? And don't take this the wrong way, I am not coming against those people, I believe most of them are genuine Christians who wanted to know themselves if they were accurate or not, I write this because I feel that God seriously does not take pleasure in people postulating themselves as dream interpreters who haven't a clue. Seek GOD first! I cannot state this enough! Seek God first! Secondly, make an effort to understand what your dreams mean. Daniel fasted for twenty-one days to receive a divine answer from God. Lastly, God speaks to each of us individually. When a message is from God, it is so easy to figure out that, anyone with the Spirit of God can and does interpret the dream easily. So, when is the time to seek others? When you feel an unction from God for an interpreter to interpret the dream, or when you are looking for confirmation of what you believe God has spoken to you. When I have a prophetic dream from God I will often seek others for confirmation to the answer that God has given me. When it is a divine answer from the Holy Spirit I always get confirmation of the answer that I received in my spirit, CONFIRMING what His Spirit has already told me. Confirming is the key. PLEASE, please, please seek God first, and confirmation second. Another exhoration, to keep you from confusion; KNOW, I say again - KNOW, the people interpreting your dreams. If you don't know them, how on earth would you know their fruit? Test the fruit. The fruit test is the test that the Lord gave us to know a true prophet from a false prophet. Think of the confusion you could have if six people interpreted your dream and only half of the interpretations agreed. I take interpretations seriously from only a very few people, those whom I know from experience are anointed in dream interpretation. If I listened to everyone who tried to intepret a dream I'd lose my mind with all the discrepencies. However, after saying all of the above, if you feel God is leading you here to get an interpretation from Him, then by all means post your dream for the answer because He led you here for the answer. Truly and sincerely with no rudeness intended but only from a sincere heart to please God, in love, Mia
  5. I think everyone has suffered from procrastination (or maybe I just think that because I have )
  6. I felt the inspiration of the Holy Spirit when I wrote it so I knew it was from Him for you, so PRAISE GOD for your confirmation! Praise GOD!
  7. I felt the inspiration of the Holy Spirit when I wrote it so I knew it was from Him for you so PRAISE GOD for your confirmation! Praise GOD!
  8. There was a certain man.... (kidding)... Once upon a time... (kidding, again). Seriously, one time, the Lord gave me a prophecy for one of my moderators. I had a dream of her carrying a HUGE stack of books and heard the word provision. She had been going to college but didn't know how she was going to pay for the upcoming year. The dream prophesied that she would be provided for but that year she didn't go to school because she never got the provision. Looked like the prophecy was wrong BUT.... you don't need a prophetic word for something that is about to happen. Oftentimes, a prophetic word is BECAUSE you will go through a period where it doesn't look like it's going to happen. If she was going to get provided for in a few weeks the prophecy wouldn't have been so important. However, she went a year without attending college because the funds didn't come. BUT! The next year, she received her provision and I think, not positive so don't quote me, it was $20,000 for tuition and books! The Lord told her that year because He knew she wasn't going to get it then and He knew there would be a period where it didn't look like it was coming, but the Word given to her was to comfort her through the dry period.... So take comfort during your dry period that the LORD is doing something GOOD on your behalf. Love, Mia
  9. I just saw these! LOL! Thanks GUYS! I Love you too!
  10. PS...the other miracle is...God didn't allow my son to get evicted from the apartment he was living in. It was considered a "move out", but his other roommate was evicted. Had it been an eviction for my son, it would have been an eviction for me because I was on the lease too. WOW!!!!! A merciful God!!!! This part is THE MOST AWESOME for me. It's called FAVOR! To have two people in the exact same situation and for the ONE with GOD'S favor to get a different result, while in the exact same situation......... SCORE ONE FOR THE HOME TEAM!!!!!!!!!!! Praise GOD!
  11. i just saw this! But I would have prayed if I saw it sooner. =)
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNA!! I PRAY THAT GOD BLESSES YOU 100 times more than you have blessed us!!! Which will be abundantly! Love, mia
  13. Great advice, Cholette. I'm going to pray for you to find friends, Ang. In my opinion, being Christian and having close Christian friends is SO important.
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