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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Hey girl I am praying. Love in Jesus, Connie
  2. Hey there Steady, I am glad to hear you are not accepting them. Praise the Lord!
  3. Steady, Do not take spoken word curses on you.....rebuke them in the name of Jesus. You do not have to accept that it is this or that. Jesus said I died that you may live.....and live you shall. You are healed by the stripes of Jesus and bought with a price. Disease and sickness we command you to the feet of Jesus....You have no place in Steadygaze. She is protected by the blood of Jesus even into her melecular level and nothing crosses the blood line. Love in Jesus, Connie
  4. Praise the Lord Bishop D. Awesome News!
  5. Steady, I feel the goosebumps as I read your testimony. Fear not and use my signature verse. Now more than ever. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6 Love in Jesus, Connie
  6. Count me in on the prayer chain. I will be praying this evening. Sorry to hear such a sad story. Love in Jesus, Connie
  7. No problem Princessdelia, anytime. Love in Jesus, Connie
  8. And the beauty is He will continue to be faithful. Lord we plead the blood of Jesus over our sister and bless her with many fruitful days as a minister for you. We break off in Jesus name any attacks from the enemy and claim them all broken and of no affect. We surround her with the Love of Jesus and give her his peace. We bless her with peace, joy, love, kindness, goodness, gentleness, patience, self control and faithfulness. We bless her with all of the Lords blessing. May the Lord shine his face upon you and smile at what he sees. May he bless you for being a blessing to others. Know your family here loves you, Connie
  9. How about renting part of it out. Like a room. Might help make up what you need. Love in Jesus, Connie
  10. Praying Unaday......how did it go?
  11. I agree with all of the prayers and also add the protective blood of Jesus over you even over your blood cells and atoms. I encourage you to make sure when you pray ask the Father if there is someone you need to forgive in your life.....let him show you and make a conscious choice to forgive. Love in Jesus, Connie
  12. Lord we thank you for the stripes you bore that we may be healed. We speak that healing over our friends neighbor and paint the blood of Jesus over her right now. Father we give you the glory and the honor, in Jesus name, amen. your servant Connie
  13. Lovely, You are under the attack cuz the evil one does not want you to complete your task (ordination) . The closer we are with the Lord the more attacks we get. I am so proud of you for staying the course. Paul talks about staying the course and running the race and fighting the good fight of faith....you are doing just that. I will keep you in my prayers. Love in Jesus, Connie
  14. Praise The Lord! He is good all the time! Love in Jesus, Connie
  15. Cholette, Now that is just how he works, taking what was meant for evil and turning it for our good. Awesome testimony. Love in Jesus, Connie
  16. Awesome news. I am very happy for you guys! Love in Jesus, Connie
  17. I am in totally agreement with Cholette. I have seen this type of situation over and over and it is best to just leave. Go to the Father and lay it before him. Do not pick it back up though. Lay all your concerns before him, all your pain and heartache. Lay it down and walk away. But like Cholette my advice is to RUN!! I am praying all goes well with you. You are a beautiful woman of God and all things are possible through him. Love in Jesus, Connie
  18. So happy to hear the good news! Praise the Lord! Love in Jesus, Connie
  19. Praise the Lord for the Victory! Love in Jesus, Connie
  20. I agree with the comments above from Lurdys and Cholette. The scripture that comes to mind for me is my signature verse. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6. I believe that everything has a purpose. God will use this situation for your benefit. I know it is difficult at the moment but it will all work out. Although man may leave us the Lord will never forsake us or abandon us. I encourage you to trust the Lord even more now and turn it all over to him. He will heal your heart and take away your pain. Love in Jesus, Connie
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