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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. :roflx: Girl...I felt that one...It makes you wanna :slapfight: him doesn't it??? I found a great scripture for this thread... I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. (Psalm 16:7-8)
  2. Praise the Lord and Hallelujah!!!! God is a good God!!!
  3. That is actually a good idea LTWJ. If God gave you the vision and the desire, then their will be provision...on all levels.
  4. You are SOOOOOOO blessed!!! Lawd have mercy!!!!!
  5. WOW...WOW...WOW!!!!! What a story Lightbeam!!! I saw some similarities with my story. I doubted in the beginning that the man God was showing me was for me too. At the time, he was well known and me and my esteem was pretty low on the totem pole. I questioned God and my ability to hear him on this matter until, like you, God started showing me things in his life BEFORE they happened. I think I told you all before that I saw where he was going to get married to the wrong person...and he did. I saw his divorce and the pain he would be in. Then I saw us in a hospital being taken care of by a doctor. We both were released at the same time and went to a church that was across the street and we were separated because I left my purse at the hospital. I eventually went back to the church where I finally sat next to him and we embraced...however the chick he married was sitting next to him. A prophet told me before this dream that the man I was going to marry was for ME and to not pay any attention to the woman that was going to be in his life because she wasn't the one. Anyway, I realized that we both would be in a season of healing at the same time and we are. LIke you, I'm feeling that he is closer than I think. I believe that God is going to just shower weddings all over the place really soon. I can feel it in the atmosphere...we just need to be in position.
  6. Hi Cindy... I have prayed for you and your hubby! The one thing we can take comfort in is that even though the world is in a recession, God isn't. I know of several people who have received good jobs during this time. God will open the door for him. Each day remind him of the favor that he has through Jesus Christ. Keep him encouraged and edified. When he leaves the house to go look for a job, he should feel confident because his helpmate has spoken words of life into him. The job will come...in fact, God already has a job with his name on it and his footsteps are being pointed in the right direction. Blessings to you all!!!
  7. I think you are absolutely correct Virtuous!! Thanks for the avatar compliment...we look alike... :giggle:
  8. Don't you love it when that happens?? That happened to me a couple of times...not regarding marriage, but an incident that was happening on my job. I was awakened three nights in a row to read the story of Esther, Mordecai and Hamen. I read it over and over again and I couldn't figure out if God was trying to get me to look at Esther or at Mordecai and Hamen. Well my former bosses were getting ready to lay me off from my position so the wife could take my position (I didn't know that until AFTER I was told to read the story)...at that point I knew it was Mordecai and Hamen that I was to focus on. I then realized what God was trying to tell me. I can't honestly tell you that even though I read the story and I KNEW what God was telling me that I was always in faith regarding the issue because they treated me as bad as any two Christians could treat someone. Glory to God, FOUR DAYS before it was supposed to be my last day on the job, both bosses hung on the "gallow" that they had set for me and I'm still working here and they aren't. Ain't God Good?????? I'm not basking in their downfall by any means, because I know what God's word says... Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; Proverbs 24:17 C.Butterfly...as far as the times you were awakened both nights, I'm not sure what that means. I was told by someone here that times and numbers don't mean anything, but I'm not sure if that is true or not. It's hard to say...
  9. May I just say that I LOVED this. It was a breath of fresh air to see someone who doesn't take the enemy's stuff and who remains in their position. He is a defeated foe and his tactics don't work as long as we don't lose our ground. You are VICTORIOUS my friend. I declare today that I have the joy of the Lord because it IS my strength. I declare that I am the righteousness of God so therefore as Jesus is, so am I. I am a joint heir and I walk in that because it is the life that Jesus purchased for me. I declare my family and friends off limits to the enemies tactics and his plots and that they come into the FULL knowledge of Jesus Christ and receive the POWER of the Holy Spirit. I declare that God's uncompromising Word will continue to go forth in the body of Christ so that the truth can set more of God's people FREE!!!!
  10. Praise the Lord...God is a good God!!!! Congrats to you!
  11. I pray for wisdom in this matter for you Christa. In my opinion, I think you are putting too much stock in the fact that this teen challenge is going to work for him (not saying that it won't). No program will work until the person in the program wants change in their life. You are being harrassed and tormented and that is not God's will for you...as you already know. I wish I could help you somehow. Lord bless Christa and her daughter...provide a way of escape for them so they can go to a place where they can have peace. We know you are faithful and that you hear us when we call. We entrust this matter into your hands and we praise you for the victory that you have already given them in advance.
  12. AMEN!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing how true Matthew 6:25-33 is the epitome of what to do when you have need...Don't worry, but seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and EVERYTHING will be added to us. There was a time when I would never pray about myself and all of a sudden I would get blessed with something and I would say "hey, thanks Lord"...or I would think about a need and before the thought completely left my mind, it would manifest. Lately I've been GOING THROUGH!!! I think I have left that place of COMPLETE trust and started doing the "worry" thing a little...believe me, I can tell the difference, but this response is reminding me that I need to get back to that place in God because it was SO peaceful!!!
  13. Desi...what I was doing was USING God to get what I wanted. I was told to praise God if you want to get this or get that. I wasn't thanking and praising him because I appreciated him, I just wanted what he had for me. That's where the manipulation came in. I don't want anyone to get the idea that you can't thank God for you husband (or anything else) or pray for him. In MY case, I wasn't doing it with the right motive in my heart. It's hard for me to explain because most people may not understand the type of teaching I was under. It was all about getting "stuff" instead of developing a relationship with Him and bringing others to the kingdom of God. Now that I am learning...REALLY learning what Grace is and what Jesus did for me, my desires have changed. I now believe that my husband will come NOT because I praise God for him...but because I've been promised by God. By all means...praise God for what you don't have yet...my thing is make sure your motive is right because the other part of the James scripture you quoted says... Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure. (James 4:2-3 NLT) Hopefully that makes sense now...
  14. Oh and that lady described in Proverbs 31 is one tough momma. I have convinced myself that I AM the Proverbs 31 lady. I may not currently operate in all of her charateristics, but I am "wired" with the same characteristics. I frequently pray over myself from that chapter and because I do, I can say that I AM the Proverbs 31 woman of God. :goofy: Question: Just curious...do you guys thank God for your husband everytime you pray? I don't thank God for my husband and I will tell you why. I was taught wrong by the leadership of my church, as a young Christian, when it came to praising and worshipping the Lord. I was told to praise him because praise brings the blessings. I found out later, through my private time with God, that was manipulation. He told me that I was already blessed and to go through those antics JUST to receive from Him, grieved his heart. During that time in my life, I was "performing" before the Lord in my prayers...thanking him so he would be pleased and send my husband...praying for him so God could see I was serious and send him quicker. For me, I learned I was manipulating God. When God so lovingly told me that, I stopped immediately. I realized I did NOT have the relationship that I thought I did with him so I began to develop it. I rarely pray to be blessed or pray for my husband or thank God for him...not that it's wrong, but I think I haven't separated or learned how to do it in the right frame of mind yet. I still think that if I do it then I'm still manipulating him. I know that he is on his way regardless if I thank him or not because he's been promised to me already. I'm just looking for that balance to be able to pray for him like I do my son or my family...heartfelt and REALLY praying for His life without doing it to look good. It's hard for me to pray for someone I don't know...per se. I mean, I can pray in the spirit (my prayer language...tongues) and can accomplish alot, but as you get to know me, you will find out that I'm quite nosey and I like to know the words I'm saying/praying... :LOLDOH: I love this discussion...it feels like I'm in Bible Study everyday...
  15. By the way celestial butterfly...your love affair with God sounds very special. Don't you love the way He makes you feel? I learned some of the same lessons you learned about putting people on pedastals. I learned the HARD way just like you did!!!! I'm so happy that I have a loving Father that awaits me at any given moment...OH HOW I LOVE HIM!!
  16. Yes my new friend, I feel what you are saying now. We are pretty much saying the same thing. I think it was the word "role" that threw me off. In my brain that says to me that she is already a wife. I believe she will have the "charateristics" of a wife when he finds her. It's like when you read when God created Eve. He put Adam asleep and then took his rib and went some place else to create Eve because the Bible says that God "Brought" her to him. When Adams saw her, he recognized that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh right away. This is why I believe that when the man "finds" his wife, HE KNOWS once he sees her because God created Adam a helpmate that was "suitable" for him. When something is suitable...it just fits. Every time I read Genesis 2 sloooowly, I learn something new!!!!
  17. Why didn't I see this discussion before today?? First, Proverbs 18:22 states, "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Notice that she is ALREADY a WIFE when found. Obviously we must be functioning as a wife prior to his approach Hmm Celestial Butterfly...I'm not sure what you mean by this. I don't think this scripture means that you are already a wife or functioning as one when found...I believe that once a man sees a woman that he desires to be with and she is found to be "good" and they are married...that's when he found his wife and that's when he obtains favor from the Lord. If I'm misunderstanding your explaination of this please let me know. Spiritually, we prepare ourselves just the way Virtuous explained it...making sure our hearts are hidden in God. I don't think we can have a relationship with our spouses until we first have one with the Lord. Many people haven't perfected getting into his presence and sitting before him and receiving direction and instructions from the Lord. We still have problems humbling ourselves before him and sitting down long enough to "experince" him. We can't love another until we first be loved by God. We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 When we speak of how to naturally prepare ourselves, we do that by making sure our affairs are in order. My motto is this, I need to develop and maintain my finances, my home and my "self" the same I would expect my perspective spouse to do. I can't expect him to come rolling with money or "things" and I don't know how to maintain the little that I have. It's going to take good stewardship over the little things before God can trust us with much. ...You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25:21)
  18. That is a beautiful testimony Temi!!!! Praise the Lord!!! I am so glad God led you here. I've been extremely blessed as well. We are all ONE BODY!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
  19. Thanks Sunshine2 for sharing your story. I don't believe we were saying that God can't intervene in the life of the unsaved person or that He's constantly at work drawing them to him. The question had to do with ministry and what happens to a couple that gets together before Christ. You stated what we are all in agreement with that God works everything out for the good however we were coming from an angle that the original question that Virtuous was asking about what happens to the husband and wife ministry when someone marries outside of the will of God. We all know that there is a perfect will of God and that He gives us choice and we have the perogative to marry whoever we want however marrying whomever has a price to it so what happens to the ministry? Your point is well taken and correct its just I don't want you to think that we are not giving God due justice in this matter.
  20. See, that right there isn't fair. How is she going to leave someone she has been married to in order to marry who SHE calls her soul mate? She is going to need much prayer. Of course I don't know the particulars of her current marriage however I don't see how the next marriage would be satisfying when she left the other one. That's just me talking...I'm normally not a judgemental person, but some thangs just need to be said. Yes, the questions that I proposed had me going too...that's why I posted them. This topic is "huger" than we think!!
  21. My, my, my!! You mean to tell me I'm last to say Praise the Lord and Hallelujah for what God has done and continues to do in your life? What's up with me??? I bless the Lord for the blessings he has giving you. It's good to know that the faithfulness of God flows in the famine times. God's favor is all over you Dreamy...blessings to you...my brotha!!!
  22. It's not weird Butterfly!!! We are spiritual beings so there are things we hear...I think it's awesome that God has awakened your spiritual ears. May God reveal to you and give you the illumination you need in this situation.
  23. Calledandchosen...I feel the longing in your heart for God. The Bible says that if you draw nigh to God he will draw nigh to you. The beautiful thing about the Lord is that the tinyest step you take, He will take a gigantic step to get to you. He loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love and there is nothing that you can do to separate yourself from it. Once you draw closer to him, you will experience the strength and the stability you are looking for. The one truth that has brought freedom in my life is that you can do NO WRONG with God. He's a tender and loving God. I would suggest that you keep away from the relationship from the guy you were dating and become more strengthened in God. As you do that, your perspective of certain things and people in your life will change. My prayers are with you...
  24. This is something else that I was wondering...How many husbands and wives that we see in ministry are actually married to the "right" person? Could all of these people who are linked up together and operating in ministry be designed to be together? Or is that God making a thing work? It makes you think. I bet if you ask them they would say that God put them together...but I would like to run into someone who would admit that they made the decison outside of God. I will go a step further...there are people who got married BEFORE they came to God...did God put them together? Or did his instructions and directions change for them based on their decision to be married? Just a little something to think about.
  25. Do you pray with her before she goes to sleep? The enemy is manifesting himself in some unusual ways lately. Not just with me, but with many of my friends. I'm not sure about the relation between your father's knee and your daughters dream, but you should pray in your house because whatever it is...it's not of God.
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