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Everything posted by hisbeauty4ashes

  1. I am standing in agreement with Connie's prayer for you kimieluv.
  2. Hi precious beloved ones of God. We lost a mighty and powerful wonderful women of God last night. Jill laid her life down for Jesus to see thousands of lives touched and transformed for the kingdom of God, she will be deeply missed. Jill carried something unique that I have never seen anyone carry and that is a fire that she released on the lives around her that propelled them into their destiny in the beloved. Please keep Jill's family in your prayers as they are grieving the loss of their precious Jill. I know I will personally miss Jill but I know she is truly dancing with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Jeanie
  3. Hi precious ones. I know some of you are already praying for Israel and the Palestinians. I am on my knees before my beloved Abba Father on behalf of both. Our father loves the Palestinians as well as Israel. I just want to remind you to hold them up in prayer. I have been praying in tongues in regards to this situations because only our beloved knows what we are to pray with his heart and his purposes. My heart aches to see what is taking place. Hugs Jeanie
  4. He is awesome yes the more pain the greater the anointing. This all comes with the forming and shaping us more onto what he has designed us to be,more like him. In the end he has to be our everything to be able to flow out of that anointing with clean hands and a pure heart. Hugs Jeanie
  5. hey Lori and I are trying to chat with you dear one. in the chat box.
  6. Blessings to you lovely ones. I just read this and it blessed me deeply. I understand what you are walking through.iamfree42. There comes a time where there is a loss and a death of vision in the Lord that we walk through. It is as if everything in us that use to give us joy was taken and stripped away, at least that is what the enemy tried to feed us and it is not true at all it is a lie from the pit of hell! The truth is that we go through a season where the Lord wants to take us deeper into himself and bring us to the end of ourselves so that only he remains. Let me share a little of my situation with you to help you understand. I did street ministry for several years and it faded away.I then spoke at prophetic conferences all over California for two years I loved it,Then it just stopped. Then shortly after these ministries faded away my brother was murdered and his murder was never solved, and my mentor was hit in a head on car collision and died a week after my brother died. Then an aunt I was close to dies just a few days latter.I then lost my house because the person I lived with decided she needed the room for her mother, so I slept in my van. My friends walked out of my life and I was betrayed and then I had to have a shoulder surgery in the midst of all of that. I went through the most darkest hour of my life for three years. Ministry was no where in sight and the presence of the Lord was lifted and I felt like he had abandoned me. This was a period in my life where I would either trust my beloved through these times or walk away from him. Every day was a time where I was hanging on by a thread to the cross it was moment by moment that kept me trusting and believing that he was there no matter what my flesh thought or felt. It was the most darkest time and the deepest work he had done in me, it was in that place I found the treasure that was hidden in the darkness like in Isaiah 45. The hidden treasure I found in that time was the love that I touched in him that is so priceless and so unique. In other words the Lord was stripping me of me so that he would have room in me to live and really have his being. When his presence came back to me he asked me this question, " When your health fails you, and your friends betray you, and when you lose a family member and everything is taken away from you," am I enough?" I wept so hard and at the same time was so over joyed that his presence returned that I was undone completely before him. You see he does not care about the gift you have that glorifies him he cares about the relationship we have in him and with him.In other words he has given us gifts to glorify him yes but what really matters is that he is number one in your life and when all is stripped away we will continue to praise him and keep him first in our lives and in that it makes room for the gift. Out of him will flow the anointing and gift on our lives. He will then bring you into a place as he breaths in you again for that gift and he will resurrect it in a greater measure. After I came out of this place of death to everything, I went to Mission School in Africa at Heidi Bakers ministry. I was resurrected again in the anointing of the prophetic and the Lord was expanding the gift and bringing it into a higher level then what is was before, and he was training me in a greater way with the anointing that was greater then before, he placed his heart in me for all the students to love them as if they were my own children. He placed a desire in me to equip the body for missions. I went through a major season of training in Africa to only come home and find myself hit with five major surgeries back to back in a fourteen month period. I knew I was doing what I felt I was designed for and that was to teach and equip and take teams into other nations. I was suppose to travel all to different nations and help the main teacher teach and equip others for Missions this was going to be apart of my training. I had to cancel doing all that I felt I was destined for, because I had these surgeries and needed recovery time. Well now in my heart all my visions and dreams have died in this area. It is alright that these things have died, because I know through this time though it was not easy that he is doing an even greater and deeper work in me and when the time comes where he breathes again it will be greater then I could ever think or imagine. He will again raise me up in his timing. You see dear one, he wants to be number one and in that there is a deeper work he is doing in us to prepare us for the end times and the gifts we have will totally and completely belong to him and it will only flow from him and not out of our own flesh. He is it for me if I never do ministry again he is still more then enough for me. To be honest ministry is not just the ones people think are the big ministry like the pulpit or the albums we make, it is just loving the one in front of us that he places there. Ministry is just a simple hug or a smile or paying for coffee for the one at Starbucks. He loves us and he will give us the desires of our hearts once his heart is established in us for him, it is then he will will give us much and then much more is required. You are not done yet beautiful one just submit to the process and in that process he will breath again. Hugs Jeanie
  7. Lord I pray right now for Laura and her family bring forth your peace as they live together. Holy Spirit I pray you will fill that house with warmth, love, and laughter. I pray your presence will cover that house and that they would encounter you in a powerful way. I pray Holy spirit that you will move quickly in Laura and her families life, I thank you that you are their provider and you will provide everything that is needed for that property and for their house to be built swiftly. I thank you Daddy that you will do above and beyond what Laura and her husband is asking for. I think you for the Blessings that will fall upon their lives in this new season. New wine, New house , new anointing, and complete restoration of everything they have lost double and seven fold IN Jesus Name Amenie! Love you girl! :bighug:
  8. I wanted to say happy New Year everyone! My prayer is this is a year of restoration in families and any and all types of relationships and they shall be restored! My prayer is for you to be blessed above and beyond measure! My prayer is that you will walk in a new freedom and victory in your lives. Those of you who had promises from the Lord will see them come to pass in abundance in this new year and a new and fresh wine will be replaced in the new wine skins that will come upon your lives. All the ground the enemy took will be given back to you double.I pray that you will prosper and be filled to over flowing. Let this be a year of victory over your lives and launching into your destiny's. Happy New Year! Be filled with his spirit and decree and declare what this year will bring over your lives.
  9. Yes Lord I too come into agreement with the prayers of the saints on here on Toi's behalf. I pray for a radical reverse of every word curse and soulish prayer over Toi and her family, and speak Blessing life and prosperity to fall upon them. Let this be a year of Jubilee in this family in Jesus name! May forgiveness prevail and unhealthy ties be broken, and restoration take it all by force in hyour precious name Daddy Amenie.
  10. I have been reading a book on angels and seeking out allot of scriptures lately. In this book it was interesting the stories of people who have had experiences with angels. I can relate to some of the experiences to some of them. The Lord is so good to send his angels to do so many things. Messengers and worshipers, warring, guardian angels and so many others. This is a good topic and thanks Connie for bringing more information on this discussion. I am always in awe of our Beloved. :PTL:
  11. Hi my beloved friends, Please keep my family in prayer. I just got a phone call tonight my uncle died and went to be with the Lord. His children need our sweet beloveds comfort right now as some of them are not walking hand in hand with our beloved savior. My friend who died from cancer a few weeks ago her daughter has struggled with her moms death and is blaming God and is turning from him, she will not talk to her aunt because her aunt loves Jesus. I am personally praying for an encounter with her beloved Father in heaven to reveal himself to her. My friends daughter is only 24. Thanks for all your prayers they are so appreciated. Jeanie
  12. Praying for you dear one. Lord we lift up Bobby right now and we thank you that you are moving in her family and that you are teaching her new things in the spirit and in the natural. I pray Holy Spirit that you will heal and restore her family in this time and may you bring froth an abundance of love her way PAPA. We thank you Lord for shining your face upon Bobby and her family. Beloved Father Let new beginnings come forth in this family In Jesus name Amenie. :bighug: Jeanie
  13. Hi Beloved sisters and brothers, Everyone has an opinion but in the end they do not matter. The bottom line is this, we as his children need to stay close to him and allow him to show us how to pray for our leaders and our nation. The bottom line is it all starts with me and with you in our beloved Father. Our Daddy knows the true hearts of man and he will reveal the things that need to be revealed. We speak about how we are to honor our leaders and we are to pray for them. Many have bashed Bush in the church instead of getting on their knees for him. I personally have been grieved on how we have done this and then we talk about praying for Obama when we have dishonored yet another man who was put in the position of the office because of what we heard in the media or through the grape vine of the internet instead of seeking our Beloved king on behalf of Bush. I am not saying Bush did not mess up, or lie, or sin. It is not for me to throw a stone at him because I then should in return have many stones thrown at me. I have wept and repented on behalf of the church and this nation of what we have done to Bush and even other presidents before him, so that I can personally pray effectively for Obama. When we as Gods people speak against our president we release a word curse over him that will effect the decisions he makes for our nation. Now I know that is heavy, the Lord said," life and death is in the power of the tongue." We as the church Body can speak life or death over our President which will cause a change and effect on our nation. I chose life. I chose to speak blessing. I have personally asked the Lord to Bless Bush as he leaves office by reversing every word curse that was spoken over him while he was appointed as president, so that we can see a turn around take place in the White House and over our Nation. IT IS TIME FOR A BREAK THROUGH! Blessings and Merry Christmas. Jeanie
  14. Yes I am in an agreement with both of you, for you. :huh?: I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and desire all of you to step into a new season over flowing with Milk and honey. May you be debt free and living in abundance of your inheritance in the Kingdom. May his face shine upon you and your lives be filled with new wine and new anointing and a fresh fire. May you be clothed in new garments for the year ahead and may we continue to grow more and more into his image and be filled to over flowing in his love for the one in front of us. Blessings Jeanie :christmasbulbs
  15. Hi my Beloved friends. I just talked to my little sister tonight I had not heard from her for several months. My little sister is 25 and she has two little children. My little sister Christine is a very wounded girl who is into drugs and alcohol. She just told me she met another man and the other man is only 21 years old. Her husband is dating another girl and so they are getting a divorce.My little niece and nephew are acting out do to the situation and so she might leave her kids with her mom because she does not have a place to keep them or money coming in. This is a very difficult and painful situation. Please pray for restoration in their Marriage and for the children and how ever else the Holy Spirit leads. I am sad for all of them Thanks all of your prayers are appreciated. Jeanie
  16. Connie, I just love you!You are a women of resource in our beloved Jesus a part of the body we so need. I appreciate you so much for being apart of our lives in this group. Hugs Jeanie :bighug:
  17. My prayers are with you. Right now we break off all word curses over my sister right now! We speak restoration and healing into her eyes in Jesus name! We speak healing and Blessing into every area of her life in Jesus name! We take authority over every attack against my sisters life and we curse it at the roots and throw it back into the pit of hell where it belongs in Jesus name! Lord we ask that you come with your healing touch and touch my sister right now and reveal your love to her in such a deep and powerful way. Bring forth your angels to encamp around her. Daddy bring forth the spirit of revelation to my sister and may her name be changed give her a new name and give her a new life in you. We thank you for the wonderful and powerful testimony that will come from my sisters life and through every situation. I think you for the peace and the restoration and the blessing that is about to be poured upon her right now in your precious name Jesus. You are wonderful and beautiful in my sisters life and I thank you that you will show yourself to her in a way she has never seen you before.We stand with her to see your word come to pass in her life. You said, no weapon fashioned against her will prosper. You said, what the enemy meant for evil you will turn it around for good in her life. You said Daddy," that the enemy has to pay back seven time what he has stolen." thank you that your word does not return void.You said, we are coheirs with you and that we have an inheritance in you. I pray that that inheritance in you will come forth on your precious daughter and she will begin to step into and claim back ever thing the enemies stolen. In Jesus name! We give you all honor and glory father there is none like you Amenie.
  18. Hi Dreamster, I am sad she will no longer be with us, but I know she is dancing with our Beloved King of Kings and Lord of Lords. She is alive and well in Him for eternity. So I am okay and have shed a few tears but I am doing Good. My heart goes out to her family and we have yet to do the funeral and I know that will be hard. Blessings Jeanie
  19. Hi My friend passed away this morning who had cancer. Thank you for your prayers please continue to pray for the family as they walk through their loss. Thanks Jeanie
  20. Hi my beloved friends who have kept my friend and her family in prayer. I just received word that she has less then two or three days to live. I am personally standing on the word of the Lord and trusting and knowing he is my Father of the 12th hour. I can not lie and say I am not hurting inside to see someone I love decline like she has. Please continue praying and thanks again for all your love and support. Jeanie
  21. How about Naomi as in Naomi Boaz. :roflx: I love that name!
  22. Thanks yes I ponder these things. I just hurt for her and her family. I have lost a few family members too from Cancer and it is not an easy thing to walk through. Thanks for the encouragement. Jeanie
  23. Thank you Connie, I so appreciate all your prayers. Today I got an update on her and it is not good. She is going down hill so quickly and it hard to watch. I have been crying allot lately as I have watched my close family members die from this horrible disease. I am trying to stay in the word and stand on his promises but find myself broken before him. Thanks again this is an awesome family of God he has placed her for me and the others I cherish all of you.
  24. Amenie, Thanks for the powerful prayer for my friend Jeanine. Blessings to you.
  25. Hi my precious friends, Last Sunday, A group of us who once was apart of a woman's worship group got together to visit a friend of ours who has cancer and has less then two months left to live now it is looking way less then that. When we all came together around our beloved friend the power of the Holy spirit showed up in the room his presence was so beautiful and powerful as we prayed for our friend to live! We have contended for her miracle with her. We have declared resurrection life and power into her body. We called out for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done in her body as it is in heaven. It was not easy for me personally to watch my dear friend look so sick, and helpless, and for her to slur her speech, and can no longer walk. This women has been an awesome example of the Lord in my life and even as she has walked through this illness. We have tried to keep our eyes not fixed on what we see here on earth in front of us, but what is in seen in heaven. It seems that every time we get together and pray and worship around her that she becomes worse. I know that no matter what he has her, and he loves her. I do not understand the Lords ways nor do I understand why these things happen to his beloved children. I am limited in my understanding as the Lord says in his word."I see through a glass dimly." I know many of us have desired to see the healings and the resurrection power of raising the dead in America. I am one of those. I know of many who have pressed in their whole Christian walk to see these things. I know when we do not see these things take place with the ones that we love we tend to wonder and lose hope if we will ever see it in America. One thing I do know in my heart is he is God and I am not. He does things different then what we think. He knows all things and see's all things. He has the ultimate plan. I was watching one night in a hotel room Evan Almighty, where God came into his life, and called Evan to his destiny in building an Ark. Evan rebelled against the call at first but Evans heart was to change the world. God answered that call by asking him to build an Ark. Finally when Evan responds to the call his whole life gets turned upside down and he looses everything including his family. Evan has no idea why he is doing what he is doing but God had the ultimate plan, but Evan would not find that out until he walked it out to the end. In the end God revealed the ultimate plan and it was not the way Evan saw it or had it pictured in his mind. I know this movie messed me up even though it was a comedy because no matter the cost the plan in the end is the ultimate in Him. Thanks for letting me share a little of my heart with you that no matter what he is God. My friend who has cancer her name is Jeanine please partner with us in prayer for his resurrection power to come and restore her body back to divine health and life. we are going over again this Sunday to worship and pray for her. We love her and will continue to contend for her. Blessings Jeanie
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