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Everything posted by scgrandma58

  1. He's obviously a sicko and FB needs to help you out in this. It's too creepy for words. Good luck in getting rid of the creep. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
  2. Happy Birthday to you Hope you have a wonderful day :carol: :cat1:
  3. Payment sent. Items received. Excellent trader! Thank you ! Rep left for you
  4. scgrandma58


    Great job! Love the snowflakes and the red sparkles
  5. I sent a FR. It's telling me you havent accepted yet. I will send payment as soon as I become your friend. Thanks!
  6. scgrandma58


    You go girl!! Wish I had your talent The website always looks fantastic!!!!
  7. My first room entry Up against some tough competition! Good luck y'all.
  8. If you still have winter fairy shoes , snow owl or snowy swing available I am interested. Thank you! I will send a FR.
  9. AWESOME work Pedja! Love love love it!!!!! You are very very talented
  10. Received and rep left for you! Nice trade Thanks again!
  11. Received and rep left for you! Nice trade Thanks again!
  12. Welcome to a wonderful website with lots of great people!
  13. 1 x 5999 sent for cheesy mayor. Thank you!
  14. Do you have anymore Cheesy Mayors?
  15. Thanks for the advice. Sometimes I feel like the hat is useless.Another think you might not have noticed is that when you buy the hat it says the hat is for the Town Forest. Does not mention that it works in any of the other digging sites.
  16. Happy Birthday Yvette! Hope you have the best day ever.
  17. I've had begger messages but didnt' save them. Usually it involves cc's.
  18. Item received! Thanks so much.Would you happen to have another 39 C? Rep left for you
  19. My sympathies are with you and your family. I lost my Mom unexpectedly in Jan. and my father in law in April. All my Grandparents are gone now as well.I'm lucky I still have my Dad. It's so hard to lose family you are so close to. I really do feel your pain. Feel comfort in the thought that one day you will see him again in Paradise. Hugs to you
  20. I've tried everything under the sun. No luck here either.
  21. Does that mean we only are able to have three of each? I only have one rainbow and no golden ones so it doesn't really apply to me. If anyone wants to sell a golden one, I'll buy it!
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