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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. Aaaah, Lucky, now you make me wanna watch cartoons as well!!
  2. Grr, was sending out boxes this morning when the entire game froze up... But oh well, only meant they were updating the new items :-)
  3. That is awesome news to hear, Gaia!
  4. That is sooo very sweet, I can understand it gives you a boost!
  5. What, sleeping bears? *runs off* (hehehe, just a lame joke, I'm sorry)
  6. Smorkle, tell me something about cold sores, lol, I absolutely hate them. Very annoying... But I'm glad, as we have something here in Belgium that is really good, it's like a patch you put over it, makes it (almost) invisible, and well, it does what a patch does, it gets the fluid out and dries out the sore. Best invention ever, hahaha! When I was over at Tanya's this summer, I discovered something else and I still have a tube left, but try not to use it too much, as we don't have something similar here. I might have to cancel my plans for tomorrow, as I'm still under the weather. Sad about it, because I was looking forward to just hang out with my friend, but I guess me getting better is much more important now! And yeah, I thought about waiting too for the flu shot, so I'll see what the doc says this eve, if he wants me to wait till I feel better or not. Tromo, I hope you feel better soon, hun! Make sure you get plenty of rest too. We can be resting buddies! :-D TT, have a wonderful time at Disney!
  7. Hey smorkle! Indeed, not a big loss!! I hope you had a great time! As for me, I have no idea, but I feel very exhausted, even after a good night's sleep. I woke up with 2 cold sores, so I guess something was brewing haha! Going to take plenty of rest. When I went out with my friend to the movies, we saw a Belgian made production and it was really, really good! If I had to translate the title, it would be something like 'head over heals in love with you'. Yesterday I went back to the movies, this time with sister and her boyfriend, they hadn't seen "Despicable Me" yet, and I wanted to see it a second time. Today is going to be a very relaxing day, but am going to work for thesis as well. Tomorrow I'm getting my flu shot (yay... not looking forward to that, but hey, if it helps, it helps right). And the day after tomorrow I'm hanging out with a friend again, looking forward to that!
  8. Hahaha, Yvette, love that pic!! Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I had my share of being afraid for this year :-D
  9. Wow Tromo, would you like to clean my room as well? I haven't been around yesterday, was out ALL day with my sister, we just texted each other and we are absolutely exhausted. Today is another busy day for me, as in: I have made fun plans with another one of my BFFs, we're going to the movies and have Chinese this evening.
  10. I also woke up at my usual hour, but then had to turn the clock an hour back... Very confusing if you ask me! And I'm tired now! :-D
  11. Aww, it's sad to see the chat removed, but I understand the decision. I just wished some people would follow the rules, so they didn't affect others. Thanks for the info, Lisa!
  12. Toulouse

    Happy Friday

    Well, for starters, I started off badly this morning, but put all my misery aside, I really had the best day ! I was able to get a good night of sleep (finally, even though the chances are big it's because I had to take a painkiller), had a really relax morning and I went to visit my best friend and her baby boy in the afternoon. I have to admit, I was pretty nervous as it's been a couple of months we've seen each other (busy vacation for me), but seems we still have that connection we had. And I had such a good time with her baby, he seemed to like me a lot (was nervous for that too, because I've never been a lot around babies). Was sad I had to come home... And now I'm gonna have a relaxing evening and prepare everything I need for tomorrow, as I'm going to an amusement/theme park with my sister to have fun and to celebrate Halloween of course!
  13. Dear Lisa, I am very sorry you have to suffer from psoriasis and PA, and also I am very sorry for the comments and strange looks you have to go through. I know it must be very hard. It is a good thing to bring this under attention, because indeed, psoriasis is sometimes misunderstood (as in: "I don't want to touch her as it seems contagious") and not much is known about it. I have to be honest myself: I didn't know there was a such thing as PA. I do know psoriasis exists, and I know arthritis exists (as I am an RA patient myself), but I had no clue that psoriatic arthritis existed. I did not know your skin bleeds from psoriasis, but I do realize and know from another friend (we are not that close that I would ask him about details) it affects your self-image and it is a hard thing to deal with every day. You must be a strong woman having to deal with this every day.
  14. Toulouse


    I think it's a very easy way to explain people your limitations and why you have to take a lot into account or explain why you're not able to go out and do a lot.
  15. Toulouse


    Chiaretta: good luck on the test! You'll do great! As for me, I'm having a serious off-day. Has anyone heard of the 'spoon theory' before? Well, I woke up this morning with no spoons left and had to do a couple of things for school. I can guarantee you: I am very exhausted at this point of day, and it's only noon... I'll include a link to the spoon theory, if the link is not allowed, then I'm very sorry > spoon theory
  16. Smorkle, those pics are great!! Tromo, I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good result of your blood test! Make sure you get plenty of rest! I finally had a good night of sleep, feels as if it's been ages! Too bad my alarm went off this morning, or I could have slept in. But I have some things I need to take care of at school, so am going to do that this morning. Then I'll be able to continu my work when I get back home, so hopefully won't be gone too long. I did take plenty of rest yesterday and it felt good. In the evening I even managed to get some work done, so I was glad :-) Time for me to get going though! Laters!
  17. Wow, they are very nice!!! I also like the black cat one! MEOW! Hahahaha
  18. Decided (yesterday) not to go to the library today and see if I can get more done by working home. Made a good decision, cos I barely slept and am really exhausted (I can take my afternoon nap then, when it gets too rough; hahaha) Smorkle: likewise! Now I have a better view on how everyone is, because just reading things in the threads is not the same as chatting! I really had fun! When I get some spare time, I'll poof back on! (and yeah, libraries are not what they are supposed to be... they have like warning signs on each wall, but no one respects them). I hope you had fun at Disneyland! It was one of my faves! I've been there the first time I visited friends in CA, that was 12 years ago, so I definitely wanted to go back now. The friend that took us, knew all the good rides. Gotta say I loved six flags too! We have something similar in Belgium, like Six Flags, and I'm going with my sister over there this Saturday, to celebrate Halloween as well! I am SO looking forward to that!! Tromo, I'll keep my fingers crossed everything turns out okay! I hate getting my blood drawn (and it's nothing I can escape unfortunately). Mindy, that is awesome news!!! And the cruise: WOW!!! I bet that's gonna be a blast!
  19. I wish they did that too... Yesterday someone walked over to a group and asked them to be more quiet, but they just made fun of him (kids...). Gum is not forbidden here, but it is forbidden to eat in the library, so basically, she is not allowed to chew on gum either ;p
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