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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wahhh.. i might die shocked la if my gf buy me those, .. nice hauls n GF u got.. btw how come la got 4 diff thunts at same time?? nice btw.. @CKH : wah, greedy haa, dont let ur ex-gf become ex-....., u know la, .. jk jk..
  2. jhc7598

    groceries hauls

    nice.. still searchin for that tooligan la.. nice hauls dude!!!
  3. i think i'll be doing one GTR custom soon, but had to wait 1st coz still busy exam, huhu~~ btw cant wait to see both of ur 2nd car, as well as bro dano's GTR..
  4. for sure its muscle car!! great custom n teaser bro!!!
  5. hehe. so did u find my underwear?
  6. wah, long time no update.. erm, need to revive this thread, i want to change casting, from nissan Z to MST-suzuka.. thanks..
  7. @elgee : can we all participate in 2nd customs?? i want, but i cant, coz i'm not pro, huhu.. still dun have dremel,
  8. Dude....got la ...here's the car - metal base, plastic chassis http://www.southtexasdiecast.com/hwguide/images/2006/2006_024.jpg
  9. wahhh!! i want ice cream.. !!
  10. great hauls sis!! got 2 greenis!! congrats
  11. nope, using MRColor Paint, n paint it using 3/0 brush..
  12. haiya.. forgot about u lor.. later i take back from the owner, then give u, amacam??
  13. yup.. kinda hard to do the good paint job on interior since i had shaky hand, huhu.. i paint it with size 0 brush btw.. thanks, n really glad that u like it..
  14. thanks.. yup, its from '69 camaro's interior.. btw thanks, n glad that u like it..
  15. perghhh, cantik!! nice jobs n congrats 4 both of u.. really really nice customs la..
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