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Everything posted by msclee

  1. eemm.....other bank instead of MBB can ka?
  2. THERE HAS A LOOSE ONE.. WELL.. THE PROBLEM IS HOW MUCH ONES TO SELL EH.. Yup, that's right and headache oso bro!
  3. Oh yeah.....maybe CKH can try to get the Hotwheels shoe rite?
  4. hey guys.....what is blimp ah?
  5. Think of getting this... but too expensive near RM140 ... Haiyah bro.....you shure can get it 1......
  6. Wowowow.....congratz bro, please show us here....
  7. sure can ..if u want can print on ur 'bumper' too.. Wakakakaka brader.....you really my admirer and don't forget to put your signature at my BS okie!
  8. msclee


    Wow.....petronas again!!!! Yeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  9. Thank, bro. Will show the pics tomorrow.. be patient.. hehe.. Walaooooooo
  10. human nature la bro.. just hope all the sotongs in jalan TAR will come out and show support for their brethren..awww When TAR sotongs-sotongs come out somebody got to do the job. Since our Hassan and Desmond are very good friends why not we paste SPAIN and HOLLAND Flag to both friends butt. See very closely where TAR sotongs sotongs GOING AFTER. You bet on which butt all sotongs will hurry. Which butt not that attractive will get 1 week banned. ban.. takut & cabut
  11. HRKC = HOT ROD KERAS CLUB Hassan Rod Keras Club lagi sesuai
  12. I believe there are still some opportunity out there.......
  13. Wowow......it was really awesome
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