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Everything posted by myladyyawo

  1. Welcome to PSFC I really hope you enjoy yourself here! Post around and have fun! We have such wonderful things to be a part of just make sure you have your minimum 20 posts to enter and you can having an amazing time with our competitions and giveaways. Join in on the fun chats, get to know other fellow pet society/game lovers, or have fun in our game/arcade section. There is something here for everyone! Feel free to ask for help or voice your concerns to any of us moderators or the wonderful admins here at the site, and we will be happy to help!
  2. Awww Kathy!!! I miss you around here so much sweetheart!! I've been really worried about how you've been doing, and I hope that things are starting to get better for you. Please give us an update as soon as you can hun. I wish I could go there and fix your computer for you! Take it easy and we will all be waiting for when you can spend more time with us! *huge hugs*!!
  3. So happy to hear that your school work is coming along sweetie!! I truly wish you all the best, and hope that you really follow your potential in everything you do. Its so nice to see you stopping back in here to say hello, your definitely missed here when your gone! Take care Lazar! *hugs*
  4. Pet Name: Yawo Quote "Baby it's Cold Outside" with small music notes on either side of the quote Christmas is around the corner written on the bottom in red and gold You can design all the rest if you'd like It can be snowy outside a window, or she could be in the snow. I'm hoping in someway the coloring can make it look like the darkness/light of like Christmas lights in the dark but bright snowy night sky if that makes sense sorry if it doesn't really make sense, let me know! Thank you Nancy!
  5. Beautiful Room Melody! So glamorous! Here is Yawo's Restaurant Open and Ready for business. Enjoy a nice drink of eggnog or wine at the bar, or a delicious cuisine prepared by Yawo herself! Cozy up by the nice fireplace when you come in on a cool fall/winter night. Hope you all enjoy your food, and come back again!
  6. Congratulations Kokonee!! Your room is really well done!! It looks so rustic and elegant and the same time.
  7. awww Stephanie, I'm so envious of you at the moment! I absolutely adored being pregnant!! Enjoying the kicking and the movements is such an incredible part of it!! Just wait until you have to have your glucose test! You have to drink something that tastes like Orange pop loaded with sugar. I have a sweet tooth but that I could barely handle! Hopefully it's not so awful for you. Just watch out for when she starts to kick up in your ribs, like Lisa said when you get pretty far along it will end up being quite painful at times, but I found laying down or adjusting myself helped. Seeing her feet and arms poke out will be really interesting.
  8. Nancy, are you taking any orders at the moment? I would love a Christmas themed siggy and avatar if you could. Let me know!
  9. Congratulations Jeanie!!!! I'm so happy for you sweetheart! You definitely are amazing! Does this give you a better job in the hospital that you work at? More opportunities?
  10. I have a pair of the white mittens, 1 silver star bow and 1 cupcake ordainment. Please let me know what you offer for them as I don't really know what to ask! If you have any items you would like to swap with them, I'm interested to know that as well!
  11. Truthfully Stephanie, we've allowed our kitten outside but after a neighbor grabbed him thinking he was lost, putting out flyers and then getting the call from the man whom lives behind us, we've only allowed him outside on a leach and a tether. I hope it doesn't sound cruel that we do that, but he's actually gotten quite used to it and allows me to easily attach him to it. He plays like he normally would, and has adapted quite well. We tried keeping him indoors all the time but he would try to get out so often and allowing him outside to have fun really makes a difference for him. He even liked the snow, and although I don't want him to get cold (barely 1mm of snow on the ground) he still wants to go out! It takes cats a little while to get used to it, but hopefully you can ease her into the harness. Hope this helps.
  12. Sarah, my sister actually has the exact same hair band! I absolutely adore it, and am looking for one myself. Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland!! So cute! Definitely doesn't look silly at all!
  13. Thats so funny that you shared that Stephanie, here we say it when we see the Poler bear coca cola commercial on the Television, thats when Christmas is here!
  14. Congratulations Jennifer!! You did an amazing job! xx
  15. myladyyawo


    Lisa, you sound a lot like me when I'm in the middle of a big project! I'm sure that when your finished you'll feel proud and accomplished and I'm sure it will look and feel amazing! Just be careful you don't strain yourself and push to hard! Tromo, sounds like something I would do!! Yvette, I hope your having the most lovely time!! xx
  16. Beautiful rooms all of you! Can't wait to see which one Gaia picks! I can't believe only 4 entries though!! Looking forward to seeing this weeks entries too! Good luck to you all!
  17. Tromo, Nice to hear from you! Hope you really continue to enjoy your Monday!! Enjoy your days off and have fun! Kivie!! Sorry to hear that you've been having a difficult go of things lately! And listen here Miss! You better snap out of it lol, because if I read another bah humbug from you I will run over to California and we'll have words for sure!! *giant hugs*. Every time I get stressed out or emotional around this time I try and think of the season, what it means and how relaxing and enjoyable it can be. Sometimes I wish we could be snowed in and just relax with a nice hot drink, or some eggnog!! Ah, and just something about these quite mornings well the kids are in school. Walking home from taking my son to preschool, I was thinking that I'm going to rush and get right on here to PSFC and see how everyone was doing! I haven't been on much and I've missed it here!! Soon my house won't be so quite though either, although I don't have a 16 year old to wake up, I do have to get my son in about 45 minutes so trying to enjoy the time I have until then. Thankfully the rain has stopped for a bit! But if you love rain and snow you should come out to British Columbia, Canada for a week! You'll get more than your fair share of this weather! It changes soo much! How about we swap! Sunny California would be a nice Vacation!! lol! If only! Enjoy the rest of your day sweetie, and cheer up!! Everything will fall together, and tomorrow will be another day!!
  18. I find the items really quite pretty actually, like Lisa said it's nothing we've had before so it's nice to see some originality.
  19. Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening everyone! Things have been so busy for me lately, but thankfully calming down now. It's definitely starting to feel a lot like winter time here, in fact the weather network is actually predicting it will snow here on Friday!! Even though it's supposed to rain all the way until then. The shops here in town are even starting to decorate there windows like Christmas (due to the fact we've had our thanksgiving in October). I'm getting super anxious about setting up our Tree (usually December 1st). The season is already hitting me, I guess is the best way to describe it. I hope you all are doing well, how has everyones day been? So far it's only 10 to 10am here, so my day has only just begun. Although it feels later as I've been up for 4 hours. Kids are both in school, house is tidy so today is just one of those relaxing days for me. So anyone else feeling the winter/Christmas feeling yet? When do you start to decorate?
  20. Locked by request posted in your subject line, just to let you know if your looking for an item instead of trading it, this would normally go into looking for section
  21. aww again sorry, I just looked it up. It appears your right and they are out the one of the revival mystery boxes... Sorry Mage!
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