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Everything posted by jezza

  1. still waiting for you to expand on the busa being a pointless bike. tick tock tick tock
  2. I wonder ! : I think its been mentioned a few times on here your love of the busa , I for one have never put down anybodys ride. Have you ever done any distance or even ridden one one , I doubt it. You seem to pop up with these opinions all the time with little evidence and always come along with you've owned something better. maybe thats what gets peoples backs up!
  3. my god I read the title and thought "what monster could this be . A B-King , Busa , a ZZR 1400"......nope its a Yamaha thunder ace. you then go on to say how much you enjoy the power and have also mentioned in previous threads how power is king, you then go onto say in this thread that Busa's are pointless for the road . How exactly are they pointless ? Can You explain Please using your vast knowledge of these bikes ? I spose its the world according to fr499y again ,if someone don't own a 400 quid lens their camera is shite , if someone don't own a tank full of marine fish then there 50p Goldfish is shite , if someone don't own the same bike as fr499y then their bike is shite . Stop blowing your own trumpet all the time and trying to show off its wearing a tad thin . oh and on about opinions , I think you are an asshole always have and always will .
  4. you can always pop over for your manual i might do that , i'll ring you before popping over.
  5. I'm off friday and monday so i'm hoping to get a few miles on the bike this weekend , was hoping to pop to devon however it all depends on the weather and money situation (been a effing expensive month and we are only 2 days into it). so it may be pottering about a bit more localish.
  6. just get on with it and stop going on, anything you do to them exhausts has got to be an improvement.
  7. hopefully , wait until the brushes arrive and fitted.
  8. i've checked that , I can insert my fingers in and rotate the impeller , if i set the washing machine to drain the water in the drum will drain/pump away. the problem seems to be the drum motor not kicking into action so i'm going to change the brushes and see what happens .
  9. I have a Beko wme7247wwashing machine thats developed a fault. last night we noticed the washing was still soaking , so i presumed the filter was clogged . I've cleaned this and checked the hose for blockage and all seemed clear . i've now tried to drain and spin the washing however all that happens is you can hear the pump to drain click in then click off and then nothing , the programme seems stuck at 18 mins to cycle end. I then cancelled this programme and reset to a quick wash cycle , all this does is fills the drum with water then the programme sticks at 37 min to end of cycle and does no more. any more ideas , washing repair man wants 45 quid before opening the back up. I'm now getting fed up with my white goods going wrong , so far injust over three years I've had a tumble dryer , two cookers and i shall now be on my third washing machine if I can't repair it ,all seem to go wrong once the warranty runs out (is there a fookin magic switch thats activated once the warranty expires).
  10. pop round you can have ago if you wish ....at mending my fookin washing machine , effiin things doing my head in.
  11. i have a mate who does this in london, when he comes back to moreton he likes to look up a few old girlfriends.
  12. "Meet 'Big Mo' - the man with biceps as large as a grown man's waist" well thats bollocks cos its been a fair few years since my waist has been 31 inch
  13. septembers was exactly the reason i did not purchase the calender.
  14. recently k5 /k6 gsxr 1000 had a recall due to cracking behind the headstock. The frames were replaced if cracking was found or reinforced if no cracking found.
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=hayabusa+frame+plugs&_sacat=0&_odkw=hayabusa+frame+bungs&_osacat=0
  16. I use stuff from this guy http://stores.ebay.co.uk/GPS-For-LESS?_trksid=p4340.l2563 . I can charge my phone and run the sat nav off the one cable if you have the right configuration of cables.
  17. Bloody youtube is brilliant , I once found a vid of a monkey raping a toad however the admin got in a tiz and deleted it maybe its now in their private collection
  18. well back home now from Rome and bloody loved it. The temp hit 36' I sweated like a pig so I drank some beer , sweated some more so drank more beer , & ate lots of ice cream. We visited all the main sites in rome and also done a couple of walking tours including a ghosts and legends tour round rome at night which the kids loved......I will pop some pics up once my internet stops effing about........oh also after 20 years of courting, 2 kids & a mortgage , Sadie and I have at last got engaged. oh did you miss me , bet ya did.
  19. Right thats me done for a week , I'm logging off and going on my hols to italy . Catch you all soon and don't get winding the Admin/ Mods up too much.
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