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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. love those low mounts on the trippes, personally i like the arrow system!
  2. if stues telling you that then you know what to do im fussy with tyres the way i ride always replace in pairs and dont bung them. unless im skint and just want a temp fix for a few weeks
  3. my roads a rally track! yet the road signs say swale bourough council.
  4. thats an arse. couple local bike shops have certain sizes kicking around, so may be worth trying them if its not the right one
  5. i have ~£32 a month phone bill, £8 a month aa cover, then my debts to pay so hard, well doesnt help that i earn feck all. such a hard life living with your pairents
  6. is it easyer on your eyes dave? you said the watchs were too small :P
  7. nice got a simular set but from china for the ninja but they are like rock, so may not put them on yet
  8. ive just bee using my handbrake around the carpark atwork and stuff lol. did you know it makes girls knickers fall off! I am off out in the car , see you all later let me know if you need a wing man
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