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Everything posted by Virtuous

  1. YOU, are not going to believe this. Well, yes you will because we've seen this before concerning the both of us... In 2005, I was told God was going to do a "suddenly" in my life. I've been hearing and seeing that word since. Guuuuuuurl, when I tell you I heard it again Tuesday of this week; I kicked into a level of expectation I've never been in. Get ready, Cholette. "Suddenly" is "Finally" here!!!!!!!!! (I can't find an emoticon that expresses the way my heart is leaping right now!)
  2. May the fruits of the spirit dwell more in you on this glorious day. I pray that every request you've made known unto God through prayer be answered "SUDDENLY" in the name of Jesus! ( , I felt that!)
  3. God deals and gives to us line upon line - precept upon precept. I thought I had to deal with "ALL" of my issues at one time. HUGE MISTAKE. It took God to reveal to me, through His word, that all I had to do was cast "ALL" of my cares upon Him and let Him do what He do.
  4. Also It seems like the praise team leader has to pick the songs then she ask me if I want to sing it and I am thinking like I have my own songs to choose from that I would like to sing,,,I mean after all its only five of us on the praise team. It doesn't seem like you want to lead more if you have not used the opportunity the Praise Team Leader has afforded you. Do you not think she may have been led by God to ask you to lead these songs AFTER YOU prayed about leading songs? You don't know how God could have used you, while singing the songs the leader requested, to minister. A good leader has not always been a leader. A good leader learned to lead by first following another leader. The Praise Team has to allow the spirit to flow. The Praise Team has to allow God to move as He chooses. There have been times when we rehearse songs to sing and then on Sunday, God does a new thing. We can begin singing a song we practice and God does a shift in the middle of the song or at the end of the song that leads into a totally different song that we didn't practice (of course we know the song). The anointing falls and it doesn't care what we want to sing. That's when what Cholette has said comes into play - "He must increase, but I must decrease..." I remember Cholette sharing about a time she was able to give an exortation during a worship service. Did she know God was going to use her to do that? I can't speak for her but I don't think she did. When you worship God in spirit and in truth - putting all other things aside, then He is able to pour out of you what He has placed in you.
  5. Hey, Dove! No, I'm fine. I was just curious of how something worked when I post. No Biggie! Thanks for being concerned though!
  6. II Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
  7. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. Somebody help me out with the exact scripture...
  8. Test the spirit by the spirit of God that lives on the inside of you. If something is of God and the spirit of God lives on the inside of you, the spirits will agree. It's like God agreeing with himself.
  9. When I read the Word of God, I don't set out to read a certain amount of chapters or an amount of time. Cholette, I am SOOOOOOO glad you brought this out! I believe this where a lot of us (including myself) make one of the biggest mistakes. I got frustated and depressed doing this because I felt like I "HAD" to already know what to read and how much of it to read. Doing this, your focus is not on hearing and receiving from God, but on how much time you have left and if you're going to find what YOU'RE looking for before the bell rings (time is up). Then I learned to just read until the words jumped off of the page at me and meditate/study that. I stay on that verse (s) of scripture until I feel a release. For me, sometimes God will give me just one word. He gave me "require" for a long time. Then He gave me "obedience". I found scriptures on what God says about those words. I've also found out that there is a scripture for every situation we face. aliveforjesus, find a scripture (s) for how it is that you're feeling. Find a scripture for what you're longing for in God. Meditate on it. Let it become life to you and live it. And just like Cholette said...Learn as you go - that's what we all have to do.
  10. I'm all for books...I really am, but I don't think they should EVER take the place of God's word. There are so many people who write things based on their interpretation and it's not necessarily scriptural. You won't know that unless you are in the Word yourself. BINGO! This is exactly what came up in my spirit when I read how you have been buying books searching for what is FREEly given in the Word of God. I love reading books as well, but I totally agree with Cholette on her analysis. When you read the Word, do you read it out loud or do you read silently in your mind? If you're not already doing so, when you read, read aloud that you may hear what you're reading.
  11. Ahhhhhh, you said Savannah, GA. My bad. This conference was recently (last month I think...maybe it was October) in Macon, GA. You'll do it right because you are the righteousness of God. I hope you get more responses as well...
  12. , this is interesting... I would love to see the thoughts on this. Everything you have said is true about the armour bearer. But I do feel there's more. Wow...I think that is awesome. God HAS to really trust you because being called to cover your leader in that way is an honor. My, my, my! I have a connection like that with my Pastor as well. But most of the time, she's praying about something and God shows it to me. I wouldn't even know she has prayed about it until I mention to her what I have seen or dreamt. I think another one of our "fellow dreamers" can relate to this as well. Did you go to the Better After Being Broken Conference?
  13. Thank you Connie! I just love supernatural blessings. NO ONE is able to deny who did it! Who did it?! God did it!!!!!!
  14. THAT wasn't even the beginning. I don't think I shared what He did soon after the PM. I DIDN'T HAVE TO BUY ANY SCHOOL UNIFORMS! God has been providing EVERYTHING! And you're right. This is only the beginning. There IS more to come! Hallelujah, Jesus!
  15. I know Christmas is not about the gifts but I just HAVE to share this... I've been going through a rough time (I should say testing time) the past couple of years. I just recently moved into my own apartment after living with family for two years. I'm starting to feel as if things are coming together. I'm getting up to a standing position on my feet (with a little un-balance here and there if you know what I mean) but God has really been moving on my behalf. I've been having to juggle some things and I knew I wasn't going to be able to do much for my kids this Christmas. I talked to them about it - so they didn't ask for much - basically what they need - and they didn't seem at all disappointed. I thank God for that. But God is GOOD! My kids have MORE than what I know they wanted. Toys, games, shoes, clothes..ect. and it has all been given to them by family, friends and co-workers! Cholette, does that sound familiar to you? Our pm a few months back? The star over my apartment leading people to my house bearing gifts?
  16. The joy of the Lord is your strength. May your joy be renewed unto you in Jesus name! Praise and worship (music) works for me. It sets the tone/atmosphere for me...
  17. No, I think the miracle month is May ! I stand in agreement in prayer and thank God for being Sovereign and Ruler over ALL things. HE has the last say-so! Cholette, what was the title of the thread you posted about your friend and the miracle God worked for her with her rent? I think that would really encourage dani...don't you?!
  18. I know, right? I want to be like the coffee bean!
  19. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, The passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman With time, only grows...
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