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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. Ugh! Shany Im so sorry...I go to the same church with my mom...this makes things a bit tricky sometimes. I will be praying for you, this must be so hard on you.
  2. Hi Boscoe~I will be praying and standing in agreement...believing for a complete and total healing in Jesus name... Im looking forward to a good report..plz keep us updated.
  3. That helps a ton! Thanks connie! You are such a blessing to me!
  4. This has also blessed me as well...thanks for sharing deborah!!!
  5. Amen Shany! Thx for the encouragement!!! Its also nice to know Im not alone at times....
  6. Mark I am so happy for you!!! How exciting!!!
  7. Hi runner~Im sorry to hear about this challenging situation. I will truly be praying for you, your family, and your son! My family has struggled very much with addictions. Its so hard to watch people you love hurt themselves over and over. Once your son is once again freshly sober again (which he WILL be), I think a huge key to anyone who struggles in this area is to encourage them to make new friends. It seemed with certain family members of mine that tried to get clean, everytime they went back to their old friends it sucked them back into the addiction cycle again. I think its nearly impossible to stay straight without making some major changes with who they surround themselves with. It makes me think of this scripture... Luke 5:37 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. 38 But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. Is there a strong spirit filled youth or young adult group near you, of which he could start getting involved in once he is clean again?? I think these steps could help him rebuild a NEW life. Just my thoughts...plz update us on his progress so we can pray accordingly. God bless you!
  8. I will be praying for her...plz keep me posted on her progress...
  9. Plz pray in agreement with me for my little boy, he has been sick all day with a fever. Dr. said he must have a virus, his throat is a little red, and has some drainage. Plz pray he gets better super quick in Jesus name...
  10. ME 2!!! Hope you are all better soon!
  11. Just some ideas Jasmine...honey is real soothing on a sore thoat. Sometimes gargling with salt water helps too...but Im not sure with your situation it will or not. Do you have a humidifier? Sometimes that can help sinus/throat issues. A natural remedy could be some tea tree oil to add to the humidifier. You could also try vicks on your chest and under your nose to help clear you up while you sleep. Most of all LOTS of sleep and vitamin C should do the trick. Maybe you'll feel good enough to take your test tomorrow if you rest up real good. Hope you feel better sweetie!
  12. It'll all work out for your good...Keep us posted!
  13. Yeah, sort of right before I fall asleep the lord will show me a picture, most of the time I know what its about...mostly for prayer or encouragement most of the time.
  14. Thats awesome jjp!! Sometime with my night visions I feel like I know most of the interps right away...My dreams I am still figuring out...
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