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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. Hi Delightful...good to see you back here! I felt the same as cholette said...run for the hills. He seems aggressive in the sense that he is not going to want to take NO for an answer, and will try and continue to pursue you if you dont just shut him out. I thought the same to not return phone calls, and to just be very upfront, cuz if you try and soften the blow he will use that as a crack in the door to squeeze back into your life and tempting you away from the Lord. Not everyone would recognize this as an attack...God for you for having such spiritual eyes!! You sound SO STRONG in the Lord! I am so proud of you!!!
  2. Congrats MJ!!! Good for you sweetie! What a WONDERFUL Christmas present!
  3. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! That is so true about children not feeling secure or confident, not wanting to fail even more and running from it! She just learned how to ride a two wheeler bike, most of her friends knew in kindergarden...but she just said 'Im never going to ride my bike again if you dont put my training wheels back on!' We put them back on and tried again last summer, same response...then this year I said 'NOPE, Im not putting them back on, but I will help you learn how to do it with two wheels! Through many tears and melt downs we got there, and she is happy as can be to be a big girl!!! Ugh...who wouldv'e known being a mama was going to be such a challenge..nonetheless...I LOVE it!
  4. She is only 7. Yes, she is in jazz and ballet, and loves dance! She is super creative, and loves to pretend. Second grades' expectations are so much higher than when we were in school! They expect these 2nd graders to know all their math facts by heart (I still count some things on my fingers... )...she has a weekly spelling and math test. A huge homework package that comes home each week to be completed by friday, a monthly book report, and they have to study math facts for 5 min a day and read aloud 15-20 min daily. She is a little behind in her reading and math, and the last week or two have been like pulling teeth to get her to study and read. Ugh... I know she is just a kid, but I don't want her to fall too far behind. Her teacher isn't overly concerned, she said just a little push and she will be at grade level expectation. When she fights me on doing her homework, she says she just wants to play! I dont blame her after being in school for 7 hours straight to not want to do more work when she comes home. Nonetheless, it still needs to be done whether she likes it or not.
  5. Before having kids I was exactly that way...too timid to confront things. Isn't it so funny how God works...here all along I couldn't wait to become a mom so I could teach my kids things...but God knew that my kids were going to also be teaching ME SO MUCH!!! I have had to confront many things for the sake of my kids, God has used them to make me so much stronger... p.s. Ugh! I would have been a bit irked by the nurse too...what a rude way to ask for fresh clothes...sometimes people have no clue how to communicate to others nicely!
  6. Hi brothers and sisters...could you please pray for my daughter to be blessed in her schoolwork, reading, spelling, and math please? I am trying to work with her on these things to keep her up to speed, but she just wants to play, and has been giving me a hard time. Please pray that she gets where she needs to be for her grade level (and continues to excel), but also please pray that God gives me FUN and INVENTIVE ideas, to make learning more easier at home! Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate it!!!
  7. What an awesome christmas present~to have your son on Christmas!! Very cool! I knew that you had one child with autism, but I didn't know that you had two! I knew you were a strong woman, but I had no idea the things you have been through! Wow! 3 heart surgeries, health issues, autism 2x...Im sure this is just scratching the surface! I admire you, what a beautiful woman of God you are...such an example to so many of us! I can tell you are such a wonderful mama! As a mom myself, when you were explaining about your son acting out of control and banging his head into your chest out of frustration b/c he has a hard time communicating to you made me just want to literally break down in tears! I can only imagine how stressful this must have been for you. I am so sorry. Thankfully God can give you visions, to help with this process! Can you imagine, how do other moms do it without God or His power helping in a situation like this?? Just like you said, you couldn't make it over this mountain without Him. My son had very delayed speech, and we didn't have health insurance..he also had issues with SO many ear infections. I hated not knowing if something was bothering him or not, trying to guess. So we would take him to the dr and pay 100$ for him to tell me his ears were clear....ugh! Sometimes he would get fevers, but sometimes he wouldn't. I couldn't make sense of it. We didn't have the funds to continue this expensive process! Every dr visit would end up taking away from our grocery fund, on our already strained budget. I wanted to scream! I did end up finding a half way decent otoscope on amazon for like 20$. I know Im not a dr...but at least for peace of mind I could see if the ear was red or not, since he couldn't tell me. Within one incident buying the otoscope, it MORE than paid for itself, saving me 80 bucks. Its so frustrating! I know my situation is probably nothing close to what you deal with on a daily basis, but I can relate a tiny bit. I can understand with all the heart surgeries, how hard that must have been with your faith being so strong, and then it seemed as if God didn't come through. I do believe though, that going THROUGH the storm takes even MORE faith, than it does to receive the complete healing. Along the way, we see how truly faithful he can be in the midst of all the trouble~and we know He is right there with us through it all. Do you find yourself being overly protective at all, because of all the different traumatic things that you have had to face with your kids?? My little guy broke his femur when he was 18months, and BOY that little incident, really turned me into a helicopter mom, hovering over my children to keep them from injury! I'm working on letting go a bit. When he was born he had blood in his stool too, they were afraid it was cancer! We had all kinds of tests ran on him and thousands of dollars later come to find, he was allergic to milk! I was a nanny for almost 17 years, and no amount of working at a day care or no amount of time spent as a nannying could prepare me for the stresses of being a mommy! I really thought I knew it all, let me tell you..I have been humbled to say the least... I really truly admire you! I will be praying for you and your family continually! Your children are SO BLESSED to have such a wonderful, strong, and loving mom like you!!!
  8. Hi cholette! I have noticed my dream come and go in clusters...I was wondering the same thing. Would love to hear all the comments...though I did find something interesting last week. I went to bed a little earlier, and woke up with like 4 remembered dreams in ONE night!!! So, Im wondering if going to bed too late may have something to do with my dry seasons of dreaming at all....anyone else had this too?
  9. anytime, keep us updated....looking forward to him coming to the Lord!!!
  10. Will do!!!! You are highly favored and deeply loved by our father Mark!! Plz post when you get the good report!!! Soooo excited for you!!!
  11. I must say...you are a saint for raising 5 kids!! How do you do it all??? I only have two, and boy can they wipe me out!!! What are the ages of you kiddos?? Mine are 3 and 8
  12. This is SUCH an encouraging word to me Laura! Thank you, and God bless you!!! Our loving father takes such priority in having a relationship with us...so much so that He gave his one and only Son so that we could have this with him. His priority is to have a love relationship with us above all else. He places such high regard on 'relationship'~nothing else is more important to him than having that with us. I SO agree with ALL of your comments...especially on how distractions will come that will take us away from having quality time with our children, in my home this breads rebellion when they lack this important thing from me. Then I start dealing with the 'sin' instead of what started it in the first place (kids just trying to get my attention). I am so guilty of giving in to the 'distractions'! As I keep this focus that our Father has, that nothing else is of more priority than our relationships within our home (of course God is #1). Our relationships should be priority! These are our most important things to steward over. When my focus is in the right place, everyone else is SO much happier...and I'm less exhausted (from the sin/negative attention cycle)!
  13. I feel the same way Angelwings!!! Thanks for your prayers...it feels good to have some of these things in common with others...I don't feel so alone now!
  14. I can so UNDERSTAND how you feel on this one for sure! Good thing God knows our hearts, and He is the only one we have to please. He is the also the only one who we have to stand accountable to, and He expects us to keep our hearts clean from the clutter that could come from being around toxic people (unless The Spirit leads or God specially anoints us to be around them like mia said). I remind myself of this, when my people pleasing comes out and I feel bad for not making everyone happy. There are many times I wish my decisions would be respected as well! I don't expect everyone to always agree with me, I wish some people in my life could be able to agree to disagree, and let my decision be my decision without trying to change my mind on something I feel strongly about. Ya know??? Thank Goodness your husband is such a great support to you!
  15. Holy Boldness and a gentle tounge...I have never heard this before. I LOVE this saying...I will never forget it, and try my VERY best to practice it! Thanks Connie
  16. Thanks!!! I really needed that pat on the back! I think too that the Lord is working on me in the process too, and strengthening me. I do just need to give it to Him and hold my ground. When I expect my mom to act any different than she has shown me she is capable of, I set myself up to be hurt. As i trust God~He is able to get through to her best..since He knows her in and out. I have thought 100 times I have gave the hurt of the past back to the Lord, and have tried to move forward in my relationship with my mom. But situations like these seem to rip the scab right off my wound...so I think I prob need some deliverance from the past too! Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post! Ur such a sweetie, and you really helped me!
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