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Everything posted by TheWhiteShadow

  1. This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing, Cholette!
  2. Hello, All - I'm not really connected to this woman, aside from the fact that she's a high-school friend of my sister's. My sister told me, yesterday, that this friend is visiting France. That morning she awoke and could not use one side of her body. She's in the hospital at this time and is recovering from what I understand. She's a young lady, like 30, and isn't unhealthy aside from having diabetes. I did pray for this situation once I was informed, but I'm thinking that God may want others to pray as well. Last night I had a dream that I'll briefly share. Basically, my plans were interrupted because my vehicle (in the dream, not real life) had two flat tires - both on the passenger side. I didn't make the connection to this lady until later this morning. In the dream, I drove the vehicle with the flat tires to various air hoses - like what you'd find at a gas station or car wash. I visited quite a few, actually. I'm not certain, but in the end I think I found one that I was able or willing to use. I think that the search for different air hoses is seeking prayer from others for this woman. Her name is Erin, for those of you who want to put a name to a situation. I appreciate your help. -Mark
  3. Thanks for your prayers. I had to say goodbye to her this morning as her condition got worse over the weekend. This was especially difficult, and I am so very sad. :(
  4. ...it turns out that Elsie has cancer. This is a very sad weekend for me, and next week will be especially rough. I'm sorry if I'm not around. -Mark
  5. Thanks. Today is day 2 at the vet.
  6. I will pray for you, absolutely. You are a brave person for stepping out and doing such a thing. -Mark
  7. Hi, all - Elsie is my cat, and this morning I had to take her to the vet because she was not eating or drinking. She was weak and dehydrated, and at this time she's still there. They've done some tests, but they don't know what the problem may be as everything seems normal. She's not an old cat or anything, either. I have to go to work and have made arrangements for her to be picked up and brought home while I'm gone. So, if you would please pray for her, that would be super. And for me as well, as this stresses me out and I'll have to wait until late tonight before I know what's up. Thanks, -Mark
  8. This is a great topic, Owen. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said by the others. I have also read that the translation for evil in that verse may not mean what we understand it to mean. Looking at the way the verse is structured, the Lord makes two comparisons that should be contrasted: Light vs. Darkness, and Peace vs. Evil. The first two are opposites. For the next two to be opposites, the word translated as "evil" would also have to mean conflict or tragedy. I read that the same word is used for trouble or distress - not necessarily the evil that is sin. Another musing is that of the purpose of evil. Can it be measured? Can good be measured? God is good. God is perfectly good. Do we say that anything that is less than perfect is because it possesses less goodness? Do you measure heat or cold? You measure heat, and define cold by the absence of heat. You can say that someone is "more good" or "more evil" than another, but all will be short of perfect goodness because we have our struggle with evil - our sinful nature. So, does evil exist as a contrast for the perfect goodness that is God, as darkness exists so that we have something with which to compare light?
  9. Hi, Daisychain. This is a very good question, and I don't think that I know the answer...but I want to see what other people say. I do want to throw a few verses out there that lead me to answer with "maybe." 2 Corinthians 11:14 says that "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." Looking for signs as confirmation gives an opportunity for a counterfeit. Look at Exodus 7 and 8 with Moses and Pharoah's magicians. They both turned water to blood. They both changed their staves into snakes (yes, Moses's snake did eat theirs, though). They both caused frogs to cover the land. And Pharoah had been asking to see miracles. Interestingly, the competition stopped at the Plague of Gnats, as it says that the magicians were unable to duplicate that one. From there, onward, Moses (actually, the Lord) was unrivalled. Now, for my own personal experience - I sought after signs for a potential change in my life. And, sure enough, I saw the signs that I was seeking. So, I took steps to pursue the change. However, at the "moment of truth," where my next step would cross a point of no return, I didn't follow through....because I didn't have peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. And, after all my rambling on, my thoughts may be that Satan may not be able to reproduce peace. This is where I have to let someone else confirm for me, if this is the case. -Mark
  10. I'll definitely be praying for you, Cholette. I am confident that you will do well. May the Lord provide you with all grace for this ministry, and may he lift you up before men for saying "yes" to his call. Blessings, -Mark
  11. I like what Deborah has posted on this. I'm of the same mind that if you've hashed it out with God and have peace about it, then the issue is between you and God. My own personal conviction is that I was made in His image, by His hands, and he says that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. Do I need to add anything to the finished product - and would it improve upon it? Again, this is my own personal opinion. -Mark
  12. I've read that the Apostle Jude referenced books that were not included in the Bible. One was the book of Enoch. And what you were referring to was in the Assumption of Moses or the Testament of Moses, something like that. I've never read anything from them, though, so I can't really say more than this. -Mark
  13. That is awesome to hear, Astra. Good for you both!
  14. Just my two cents, Sister - There are times that it may be better that we don't have a full understanding of what our "calling" is. I know people who have had prophetic words spoken to them, and then they go out and try to make it happen in their own way. Some of them obsess over it, avoiding opportunities to minister because "that's not what my calling is." When you look at, say, King David - He was called to be the King of Israel. He knew this in his youth. But, when this was revealed to him, it did not include instructions to "go make this happen." In fact, his life went in many different directions...a lot of which wouldn't appear to be leading him into this calling. But, he was being prepared all the while, and being a servant of God through it. Then, one day, everything came together in God's perfect timing. When my friends have asked me what their ministry is, I often tell them that it's whatever you're doing right now. If you're seeking after God and are faithful in your current circumstances, you don't have to worry about getting to where you need to be later on. You will get there. I also want to add this: Consider the prophet, Jonah. He knew what his calling was, and because he didn't agree with it (perhaps a sign of his immaturity in the Lord?), he purposely ran away from it for a time. If God told us, today, exactly what you'd be doing years from now...would we all be able to accept it with our current understanding? -Mark
  15. Just for the sake of closure, the Brown Owl Hat has arrived in the mail. I'm not that disappointed that I couldn't get the exact same color as the original, and everything else about it is the same. My mother shared a conversation she had with my niece at the start of the week. Apparently, my niece said to her, "I really hope that I get another owl hat for my birthday." My mom responded, "Really? What color?" She said, "It doesn't matter. I'd just like another owl hat." Good. Because you're getting a brown one. :) And, incidentally, I ended up getting it on eBay from a place in my state. The seller's name was freefromsin. I'm confident that God did help me with this. Bless you all, Mark
  16. I have, and will continue to pray for you and this situation. -Mark
  17. Thanks, everyone! I spent a HUGE amount of time online and on the phone with stores about this item. I'm still waiting to hear back from an e-mail I sent through their website. Anyway, I found the exact same hat on eBay, except that it is a different color. I'll wait until tomorrow to see if I hear anything. If not, I'll probably go with the eBay one. Whew! What a lot of work for a hat! :)
  18. Thanks, everyone for your willingness to agree in prayer with me for something like this! :) I did spend a little time looking at eBay and Amazon the other day, but I was pressed for time. I'm off tomorrow (today), so I actually plan to spend a great deal of time searching. You have no idea how delighted she would be if her lost hat was replaced. Astra, to answer your question, the hat looks like this: http://media.nj.com/gloucester_voices_impact/photo/10346635-large.jpg
  19. Friends, I'm going to ask for something simple, and hardly life-changing. My niece's birthday is next week, and she has asked for the replacement for a hat that she loved...and lost. It was only available at a specific store chain, and my local store has clearanced them out. I'm off of work for a few days after tonight, and I'm willing to travel great distances to get one if they're still available. It would actually mean a great, great deal to her. So, yes, I'm asking for prayer in finding a specific children's hat. I figured that God cared about things like wine at a wedding, a lost axhead, and feeding sparrows...why not something so simple as this? My niece would be overjoyed if she received this on her birthday next week... Thanks, everyone. -Mark
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