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Everything posted by bunnyfuzzyness

  1. I have made mine into a waterproof makeup testing/fish room love it!
  2. can I go ahead and send this to reserve cake? hello ? your wedding cake is finished . still want it or not ? yes,I already sent you the 3x 4999
  3. Sending payment for mummy doll and monster doll kathy &bunnyfuzzyness
  4. thank you ,Snorks It will get better super soon,I never even knew I had them until I injured my back
  5. bunnyfuzzyness

    What is the...

    I should have known better,I wasn't thinking at the time. Had all these hospital test on my mind.....thought he wouldn't sell MY little cool nis things grrrr lol my fault
  6. I am so sorry that you have a horrible teacher.I have conjoined nerve roots in my spine which is a birth anomaly and is why they are kinda scared to do my surgery etc....... plus the insurance people I am dealing with. Wish I could help you out.Get some rest.3 pm here ..4 more hrs!
  7. bunnyfuzzyness

    What is the...

    I let my 8 yr old son do my ps visits while I was in the hospital.In exchange he could send himself 10 mbs a day.He sold very important items he is a mb addict and I should have known better.He sold everything in his own house for mbs once.....never thought he would sell some of my things.Some of things cost an arm and a leg to get now.
  8. I loved biology and anatomy in college I am old now ...no more school for me.Well I might take a few more classes.Doesn't hurt to get learn as much as you can
  9. you can't have mine just saying lol *skates off off quickly*
  10. Folders sound awesome to me! Tabs to click and find the folders we need, would be wonderful and easier,but they need to let US,put the item there,NOT them.Where they put some items is not particularly where I would put them sometimes
  11. it would have been a tie between the skinny black cat & bulldog
  12. hubby had carried me in the house from the hospital and my friend wanted to cheer me up and sent me the link to the video of stuff coming out 2 days early. here I was stuck flat on my back trying to hold screen up and just being so excited,I didn't join for month,I lurked.I am so glad I did now. It proved how addicted I was,worse pain ever and in tears.....and watching PSFC's early release video with my son ,cheered me up and made me laugh thank you for that PSFC
  13. Welcome and you will get addicted really fast to ps and this site too. everyone here is really friendly and also good friends to add. I am going to add you and see if I can send you a couple things to help you out if that is ok Kathy&bunnyfuzzyness
  14. hmmmm swore rocky was on my ps list,sent f/r so I can send your pig.I know we have talked in the past
  15. Do not be ashamed of yourself! Just strive to do your best next time I am very hard on my children about education.I tell them to do their very best always,if you're attempting what you know,that is not failure.Nerves ,etc may complicate you train of thought.That is not failure or any reason to be ashamed. Just be sure to work hard.Your friends here are proud of you.
  16. Lazar,I will give you a piggy.Just work on your grades and take care hun
  17. This has probably been asked before,but I think we need a way to be able to organize our chest or they need to give us an option to pay cc for some kind of organizable storage. I am all for free organizable storage lol I am limited out on rooms and have things I don't really want to part with.I know it's fake, some things I give away and some things I sell.Some people think I am nuts ,because the good stuff I give as random gifts. I just want to be able to organize it!!! How about you others? hugs Kathy
  18. lol! and you have on skates too! I will wear it until tonight and I get all the new clothes.
  19. Scotland/Ireland ,that was the trip we had scheduled before things happened etc.Audrey,think I talked to you about it.That trip to find part of my heritage and to see the castles that once belonged to my husband's ancestors. plus I want to truly one day hug some of my UK friends in rl force them to deal with my blondeness
  20. If I wasn't still injured,Chile to help with medical If you could give everyone on PSFC one gift,what would that gift be?
  21. then bird flies into a tree and it knocks the ant out of it's mouth......then the ant starts falling to the ground and lands into someone's soda.......
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