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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. I don't want pink tinted scirocco, i want blue tinted Necro Cop.
  2. No don't mean you gotta equip urself with printscreen.. what i mean is if mod choose to edit then he the one gotta copy paste if it's a post that is, if thread that's easy cause everything in basket is always accessible to us.
  3. Then someone go get Hotwheels Sidekick and ask your kids to use it for next event.
  4. I tell you guys one big secret. Statistic never lies. Most of great scores / hoards are after all when you didn't put the 'hunt' as priority whenever you enters certain stores. Just ask most playaz here, most of them happened have their best hauls when they're i) buying groceries ii) beli susu untuk anak iii) beli slurpee iv) inspired to have some ice cream thanks to some hamster in his dream.
  5. I collect lotsa Treasure Hunts, but you guys already know T-Hunts casting are completely random so there's no way of telling you dig the cars except for some Supers maybe. My real love of Hotwheels lies on castings that's not real (those in house designs) especially when you can build one whole gang of the same theme. Damn to to this day still terseksa to find and complete the whole black and green Acceleracers Racing Drones team.
  6. Again ah.. haih. I tell you what, i'll bring this thingy up and propose whatever post mods see the need to delete shall be removed via edit button not delete button. With exception those obvious spambots of course something you guys no need to think twice. And in that particular post mod gotta inform their action (e.g "edited by Rayz, sorry due to this and that.. ugpm!") so playaz acknowledge something did went missing and we can skip the guessing game. We all know there are stuff that beyond any doubt just could not remain here so whoever mods find it justifiable to delete then nothing bad that we know you took the action anyway. Also if possible save that supposedly violating post somewere else as reference in case we need to revisit 'em. I know all my moderatin' homies has done their best to keep this hwcm family aman dan harmoni so shoutouts to ya guys for giving helping hand in this! But on the other hand imagine if someone came up with essay of undercover standard and find it disappeared shortly after, yeah i know that sucks. Anyway let me remind playaz (and i believe net's problem got nothing to do with this anyway), aside from 'character assasinations' (don't confuse that with calling out someone to solve a problem), politics and religion is strictly prohibited. To tell you the truth, i can type and type about our m'sian politics here til no end but look at the bigger picture.. hotwheels politics already depressing enough what more if everybody wanna fight for their political ideals here.
  7. Blimp does came out as Treasure Hunts before.
  8. Ah no prob dude, lagipun not sure what to trade with.. fastback sume actually me tak kumpul.
  9. Let the undercover put an end to your hunt by offering Reg Merc.
  10. Disclaimer - This post is not related to topic in any way.
  11. Aduh.. bukan aku yg delete haha. Tu kena tanya abang mod.
  12. Hassan most probably use koleksi buku-buku jejaka berotot kepunyaan mushroom sebagai sumber inspirasi dia buat custom.
  13. Pasal most isu yang meletus pun ko sendiri dapat figure out at first sight. All was non-issue to start with. But for some semuanya yang lain salah, playaz mula cari 'supporters', then hotwheels ada pejuang berhaluan kanan lah kiri lah. Next thing words going around there's some huge hwcm conspiracy going on, mana tak terkesima. Anyway ni baru lah hwcm spirit, tak semuanya 'smooth' but people can agree to disagree, just to show daripada bersandiwara tak sudah baik kita bermesra-mesraan dalam suasana romantis hehe..
  14. Err me haven't get to score any Super Chevroletor yet hehe, still looking for one.
  15. I dig Chevroletor more than this year's other hunts (Torino still the best of course).. awesome haul kelvinator!
  16. Playa from Play! Welcome to this little forum Hulu Selangor? You calon kat sana ke hehe...
  17. PEACE Y'LL Moved to tears when i saw this.. *hugs hassan to get some comfort*
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