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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. If ucb's car designer for the ornament i gonna create Flying Dude instead and place bar of soap right below him. Baru artistic.
  2. Imo opinion both of you made a mistake. He = not accepting the fact that the shipment could go wrong especially on international trades. You = too early to call him out in his thread. But i'll just highlight your part cause i don't know much on the other side. Trade disputes go step by step, so although he's wrong for not accepting your cars (assuming you packed it well so it wasn't your fault), the fact that he offered to return it, 20 days imo is too early to give bad trader alert cause you should know international shipments (even with airmail) can take near 2 months to arrive. That's shipping period, how soon will he post is another matter. So i understand the least he should do is by keeping in touch, at least notifying you when he will post, but he didn't. But there might be possibility he didn't do so because of your negative remark in that thread. Either of you might be wrong but reputation is very crucial especially when you're working on first trade ever in hwc. And you did huge mistake here, you risk yourself on not getting to do anymore trades with hwc members. Why i say this cause that US trader had pages of feedback with other hwc members while you don't, remember others perception when reading how you post is most important to be able to work on future trades! Try to resolve the matter openly since he seem to ignore your pm, that's what you should do. You took big risk there by calling him bad trader straight, so when other hwc members monitors both of you honestly what you did don't really help, though i truly understand you're at loss here.
  3. Great to know more fellow hw playaz out there! Me can't read chinese though.
  4. Nice! That's plenty of space in the detolf there can fully utilize it, go create some leveled display within each section of detolf using acrylic, board or something.
  5. From what i encountered ccx is dead while ccy chances are you might score reg or reg-super like demonicle said depending what color of underwear ur wear that day. Just take it as rough idea cause i only seen very few cases nowhere near as many as some of you playaz managed to go through. You can never tell. Btw these differents in last letter of case code already there since last time, gives hints on assortments within same wave and possible variants on certain car (cause different batch). Good to know more already start paying attention to this. But don't get obsessed with it else they'll accuse us of training more hoarders than real collectors hehe.
  6. Okay, tail dragger is supposed to be in CP case, but during our last dinner when we unload a sponsored case for door gifts to everyone i remember someone drawn tail dragger out of the stash thats supposed to be all Torino wave. So tail dragger does come in some of Torino assortments, not all cases. I might be wrong on this though, but i do know even in last year's Mustang wave some case does have morris mini.
  7. Bread Box, Drift King, Back Slider and Delorean belongs to Classic Packard wave.
  8. I'm bored 5 in the mornin'. So time for another 'inspiring moment' with ucb lol.. Most playaz here indeed have awesome collection there, but on how playaz here display their stuff, here's my honest take on this, i think i already highlighted this before. Massive mainline cars hanging on each wall of their room (not refering to you guys pics, those are cool still), they inspire you to hunt for more, until your walls looks 'complete'. But at same time it is possible that these would kill off your interest when one day you wake up and ask yourself "what have i done". It's reality, many i know decided to quit because of this, some even used to paint hotwheels murals on the wall to suit their display. Not saying it isn't a good idea, but it depends on the force with you, and arguably many people here i believe may not find this hotwheels something they would do forever. So what one could do to make this enjoyable as long as they can are things like "what cars i should start collect" and "how do i make the best of my display for long term". For starters, think of how fast it takes to fill the walls. If you realize one year collection is enough fill one section of the room, what if you collect say 10 more years? You're screwed. So you get the idea, not everything should go on wall. Then, many many collectors here already give ya good example within few months only they already dump most of their random mainlines and go for more specific mainline castings, and then slick rides, drag buses and stuff. The point is not that you need to collect just like them, but in some point you'll definitely gonna move one step ahead from mainlines, and now these higher end stuff have to compete with whatever already on the wall. So it's good that we plan out early how exactly your display would look like, rather than hanging one by one carded hotwheels you just bought. So my idea on the mainline cars display.. you can either choose to skip the carded on wall part and let the loose cars and more exclusive stuff do the job, and have proper storage instead, but make it easily accessible so you can keep admiring them. Trust me when you start having hundreds, thousands of these cars you'll have no choice. Or be like some playaz here, display them in a row on pegs/rack ala shop style, save more space, some here even pau and brought back home that damn mattel rack. But for more important, 'must show' or whatever mainline cars meaningful for you these are the ones you might want to display in it's glory, along with loose cars etc. Also, you can still be creative while keeping the same cards on wall spirit.. instead of randomly adding one by one cars til no end, just set only one or two dedicated section of your bedroom walls for these carded cars, and play by two way - specific theme or seasonal theme. Specific is the usual "only Mustangs, only red colored cars, only cars with more metal etc" display, come out with few of it to be less boring. Or seasonal.. hang whatever you find it nice within that period before it got changed to something else. So you keep rotating your display just like in art gallery. Figure out what works for you and have fun displaying!
  9. AWESOMENESS! Btw i think you should get custom acrylic case especially for your loose display.. dusting 'em gonna be very the painful.
  10. I think it would help if you post direct link to your album here, as i couldn't locate it through photobucket's mainpage.
  11. The other thread has different question but similar discussions, you can check this out too.. /ask-hwcm-f9/have-you-guys-take-out-the-car-from-the-box-t1108.htm
  12. Alright you take the woozie. And i'll just roak Montezooma to whoever interested with it. Case closed. You guys are certified playa.
  13. Wow, awesomeness! Okay pm me how it goes, will pay for the hammered coupe. Thanks dude.
  14. Good question, on the floor there also got lalang, if i were to tag those lalang i'll run out of space to insert names of all hwcm lurkers.
  15. Cham read, again. And btw just to clarify these are the cars in both 5 packs, Camouflage - Nissan Silvia S15, Saleen S7, W-Oozie, Ballistik, Montezooma Hot Rods - '40 Ford Coupe, '64 Riviera, Purple Passion, Hammered Coupe, Custom '69 Chevy As of now playaz have shown interest with the one i put in blue, haven't reply you guys yet but will update ya soon. I'm just hoping anyone could take Woozie scoot or Custom Chevy then i'll just buy them. End up with 2 unwanted cars but probably i'll charge those playa the figure i quoted earlier.
  16. If you read my post finding em isn't a prob, looking for playaz to share with me.
  17. Update - Thread closed, thanks to playaz who helped me! You see, ucb been losing his sleep over this 2 cars, finding them isn't a prob both already located, but he just can't afford to spend like rm70 just for it. So please, prove ucb you guys are a true playa by coordinatin' with me the other 8 cars in the two 5 pack, so that we can share the purchase. Lemme know your list of cars you're interested with, if most of them taken then i'll go and get 'em. Technically they're rm7 each after calculation but i wouldn't mind breaking the 5 pack at slight loss so don't worry bout the final price. Camouflage 5 Pack HW Hot Rods 5 Pack And btw the two that i need for myself are Ballistik and Hammered Coupe, both 2nd from bottom in the pic. Thank you!
  18. You got it completely wrong. Herman tino looks like rgsukan. As you can see, back then before people dig DD's Dragbus and all, hwcm's favorite casting was, err... a tank. Who ask you to wear like that? Btw does anyone notice Rayz and Demonicle have some kind of chemistry both of them?
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