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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. now ebay no longer my fren, but my blood relative ady, haha!! sucking blood punya ebay!!
  2. wah.. how about we not use street malay anymore.. we use bahasa baku,
  3. Have to thank u too..bro!! Thanks for the help on the t-hunt Ford Woodie!! U havent complete??? which casting?? 49 merc n boneshaker.. unfortunately ebay is not my friend anymore,
  4. nice.. jadi ni la yg baru siap tuh, smart n neat, like always..
  5. wah, sudah complete!!! nice nice.. i havent completed mine yet,
  6. erm, i think bro addrick also got an error on this, at HWCM dinner last time,
  7. no, by that time maybe our members reach 500 ady, so had to made 500 of them!! and had to find 1000 of pass n gasser, for the wheels..
  8. eBay can help you with that matter. 100% agree!!
  9. i cant help about this coz i just using paypal only for buying, not for selling, btw i'd heard somewhere that its kinda complicated to withdraw money (in RM) from paypal.. about the statement, i think its like mr sinclair said..
  10. nice one!! had to find those!! btw i'd already want singgah at new mallaca jusco last week but unfortunately, didnt open yet.. btw great score bro!
  11. jhc7598

    my new haul...

    alamak bro!! really nice la.. cant keep up!!
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