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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wah!!! as mr admin said, so bored la at jb, not many new waves although some places got restocked.. nice catch mr shahkz!!!
  2. friendster tu sejenis binatang, mcm kura²..
  3. woah.. great!!! cant wait to see both of your customs!!!
  4. me : jhc_7598@yahoo.com can find me on friendster oso,
  5. Lol!! that's one soooo funny.. hahaha!! suddenly red carded.. and u were right la mr admin, macherano sure got his red!!
  6. bro, byk nya.. so many poisons keep inside ur sleeves eh?? huhu~~ eyeing some of ur cars..
  7. CF hood!!! great!! owh, btw did u custom the wheels axles too??
  8. jhc7598

    Pinky Haul

    bkn ke tersangat²lah cepat??
  9. kalu x sedar guna @ simpan pn kene jgk ke abg polis??
  10. i want each color one, huhu~~ issit urs mr siclair?? so many..
  11. yes master.. patent it, i will be..
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