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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. ooo.. maknanya collect cuma calsonic skyline la yer..
  2. thiisssss iiissss masssiiivvveeeee!!!!
  3. super haul!!! love the peterbilt truck!!! congrats!!
  4. 1 lagi tu fairlady 350Z kan? gila rachun!!!
  5. nice display case!!! me love it!!!
  6. nak super!!!! arghhh... jeles2..
  7. i'm one of happy malaysians when our team winning the AFF cup, but arghhh.. friday is holiday and my appointment had been canceled!! i already arrived here and suddenly appointment canceled due to holiday!!!
  8. arghhh... i wantt!!! btw congrats on new super green!!!
  9. ini ciput.. kalau massive, taktau la mcm mna besaunya/.. nice haul bro!!
  10. happy belated birthday bro!! sorry for the late wishes!!
  11. awesome!!!! this is real deal customizer!!! awesome bro!!!
  12. itu yg shakz looking for la bro, bkn yg dia ada.. ish ish.. btw bro shakz, GG reg nnt aku pass.. tp lmbt lagi lar, tggu dtg tganu nnt baru bleh pass,
  13. beli 2, satu carded 1 loosekan, selesai masalah..
  14. jhc7598


    watching and buying from ebay international really poisoning, and sometimes can consider cheap, but the letdown of buying from overseas is the shipping cost/method.. one must be really wise and asking around about shipping before do the deal.. sometimes, u can get a rare car below retail.. gud luck!!
  15. panda tu bukan golongan beruang jgk ke, mestilah mata hampir2 sama.. jk jk
  16. insyaAllah minggu depan akan saya ke dean.. thanks abah.. thanks bro.. insyaAllah.. untuk semua, datanglah di terengganu nnt yer.. sorry bang, bz skit, banyak benda nk setel awal2 ni.. lgpun x terperasan topic ni.. mintak maap smua kawan2.. btw thanks a lot bo.. btw kek kahwin xde hotwheels.. hantaran ada la selit2, thanks bro.. its ok, as long as u remember it.. thanks a lot dude!!! terima kasih en lapan!! thanks bro KT!!! utk kt perak, bunga telur biasa.. kt tganu nnt rasanya $uper thunt kot,
  17. thanks bro... appreciate it!! see ya later bro!! thanks!! ~~ thanks bro.. insyaAllah kalau si dia x bising², thread itu xkan muncul!! thanks bro!! thanks bro!! kawen? best, mana x best nyer.. kalau x caya cuba try kawen tgk, insyaAllah.. smoga dikurniakan bukan saja pewaris, malah askar2 untuk menghaul HWs di merata tempat.. thanks bro.. collect ape lagi, dah dapat satu, cari lagi la, haha!!! baru betul2 collectors.. sblm ni pun dah kene 2 set, bila ada anak kena jadi 3 set la.. tu kalo anak sorg, kalau anak 10 org, mampuih, thanks bro!! appreciate it..
  18. thanks dude!! appreciate it.. haha.. thanks bro.. green saber? x paham x paham.. haha.. lightsaber ni makin lama gaduh makin kuat bercahaya, makin terang bederang!! eh? x bgtau ke ari tu? sori2.. btw thanks bro.. jgn riso, x kemananya barang2 tu, thanks bro.. wah, it's ok bro.. eh? something special? thanks in advance!!
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