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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. maybe abg AD boleh jelaskan? adakah ini betul² atau cobaan??
  2. no la, is his GF la.. nearly set the whole Kota Tinggi on fire!! "Somebody call 911! Shawty fire burning on the dance floor Whoa!"
  3. love how the germany plays n control the game.. looks very potential to be crowned this year..
  4. met cham today, with his hot GF!! his GF really on fire la..
  5. ya la... famous one la mr RGSukan back then.
  6. wow!! dasyatnya racun!!! great one bro!!
  7. waaaarrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
  8. sp2 tu ur wife buat ke? hehe~~ cantik cantik.. nice one bro!! makin lama makin mengancam custom ni!!
  9. happy birthday bro!!! long time no see!!
  10. rikky is ur partner right? cannot kacao oo..
  11. nice one UCB.. haha btw japan lost on penalty.. but its a real fight..
  12. wahh.. hiway hauler~~~
  13. @cham : maybe saturday morning, on the way back home, i'll drop by ur place.. friday night already got appointment, ex gf wanna meet, @all.. : ape korang melalut daaaa~~
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