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Everything posted by msclee

  1. [quote="Fadli85"]Wow, check out these babies..... My all time favourite the McLaren F1 GTR, been waiting for that since Speed Machine first came out, now I can retire already, hehehe..... WOWOWOW.....CONGRATZ BRO!!!! YES.....saw those marvellous machine at 7E....and I swept those too
  2. [quote="sahama"]Drag Truck haul recently of 1 of 4000 Oh wowowowow CONGRATZ BRO......YOU got it finally!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Wowow.....that lady really gaga........
  4. msclee

    Non-7E Hauls

    Wowowo....yes...yes. saw that orange BS and all new wave appear on malaysia shore now
  5. Hahaha.....happy rubbish hunting....hahahaha
  6. oh wowow.....the video was awesome chief....marbeles beach bomb!!!!
  7. msclee

    Gran Touring

    wowowow.....fulamak.....super thunt$ ratbomb....congrate bro!!!
  8. Yup....dying fast with those pretty fast lady
  9. Wowow....local haul belum habis lagi dah nak hauls oversea again....congrtaz bro!!! hahahahaha
  10. msclee

    Gran Touring

    Yeah....yeah......faster loading now bro...all eye drooling now!!!
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