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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I am so in love with this programme!! It reminds me of a grown up version of Twilight! Twilight to me was always a love story with Vampires/werewolves in the background, where as Vampire diaries is much more about the actual Vampires and history of them. It does have a love triangle, but it also focus' on friendship and families. It is also a lot more 'graphic' than Twilight, so not for the faint hearted lol And to top it off it has 2 incredibly hot vampires! Damon and Stefan Salvator!! What more could a girl need!! If you haven't watched them, then seriously give it a go...highly recomended!!
  2. PSFC POSTATHON will be starting from Tomorrow morning (Wednesday 3rd) There are some amazing prizes up for grabs, including cash coin prizes! And what do you need to do to be in with a chance to win? Simple...you need to post! After 1 week I will be looking at the post stats, and will find the members (or mods ) with most posts for the week. The top 10 will then be put into a draw, and the winner will receive 20 cash coins! A runner up will also be drawn and will win 10 cash coins...plus everyone who is in the top 10 weekly posters will win a prize! Its a win, win situation really lol So get posting, it can be in any part of PSFC...the cafe, jukebox, games, any of the PSFC groups anywhere you like just remember no spam!! Have fun and good luck!!
  3. https://twitter.com/#!/PSFanC PSFC is now on twitter!! Follow us to be the first to find out about news and updates as well as new comps as soon as they are released! Please be sure you follow PSFanC...our old twitter account is now inactive I'm new to twitter so please bare with me lol Hope you will follow us!
  4. should of checked if they were in my chest
  5. One question though....what happens if we want the original wallpaper back for the garden? Will we be able to remove the autumn wallpaper? Wish I'd thought of this before I'd put the wallpaper in both gardens
  6. how come sony wont allow anything to be shown in Germany? Seems over the top to me!
  7. My Halloween was spent in bed this year not fun...the girls didnt even get dressed up this year
  8. lea75

    so annoyed!!!

    think I would be in danger of really hurting someone if I got the out today lol
  9. UH OH!! Gaia you got it wrong!! Shame on you girlie! Anyone want to try again?
  10. lea75

    so annoyed!!!

    I ordered Phoebe new bed and matress from Argos as well as a new matress for Jadines bed..they delivered them ok, but the matress for Phoebes bed was faulty..the zip was broken on it and the filling and springs were all exposed. They delivered the replacement today and it is horrendous...there is a spring sticking up in it and the springs make a horrendous clicking noise whenever she moves on it I've phoned customer services and they will send another replacement on Wednesday...so fed up with all this now. You'd think they would check things before sending them out sorry rant over now lol xx
  11. Alice - breaking dawn Who said and which book? It’s too bad we missed the fight. It sounds like it would have been entertaining to watch
  12. This has bugged the heck out of me...but its just hit me what it its!! Carlisle Cullen - Breaking Dawn. Its at the end when they all meet the Voltori at the clearing Dont know the page number sorry, and too lazy to look it up lol Who said and Which book? You know, my record is almost as clean as Carlisle’s. Better than Esme. A thousand times better than Edward. I’ve never tasted human blood.
  13. Happy Birthday chick...hope you have a fab day xxxx
  14. Compaq are made by H-P....just thought you would like to know that
  15. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to stop the kids getting it I'm keeping to myself as much as possible and washing my hands a billion times an hour (ok slight exageration lol) I just hope that if they do get it, that its not till I'm over the worse of mine so I can look after them properly...I know it has totally wiped Mum off her feet the past few days
  16. I have a toshiba lap top and I love it. I've not had any problems with it, and I like the fact that it checks for updates for your hardware drivers for you to keep your pc running at its best.
  17. all threads about this teddy on TOF have been removed, which is why I'm dubious about it Please make sure you only click links that are either on the official playfish page or that playfish email you directly,
  18. I'm home again after a week at Mums (kasijab) and she has been kind enough to give me a gift to bring home...her cold I cant wait to put the kids to bed tonight so I can take myself to bed an feel sorry for myself lol....I think I'm gonna change my mind, I havent got a cold, I have man flu!!!
  19. lea75

    Halloween Smileys

    I've added this one :carve:
  20. Unfortunately there have been a few issues recently with members breaking the rules in the chat room. PSFC has members of all ages, and so chat must always be kept clean with absoloutely no bad language used. Mods are not avaliable to moderate the chat room 24/7 however I always felt that all our members could be trusted so did not need constant supervision. I am really dissapointed to have to say this is not the case. From now, the chat room has been removed. The chat room will only be accessable when there is a chat quiz. Its not fair on everyone who love the quizzes to be punished for the minority, so the chat room will be avaliable still for the quizzes. I am sorry to of had to do this, but I really didnt feel there was any other choice....I would hate for members to enter the chat room to read things that are unsuitable
  21. can you pm me a link please hun...I need to check it is a valid playfish link as I have seen some 'fake' links offering this
  22. Happy Birthday chick...hope you have a fantastic day xxxxxxxxxx
  23. love it hun...wish my clothes were that well organised lol
  24. lea75

    Happy Friday

    I put them all in the washer I've never had a problem, but check with your Mum first hun xx
  25. lea75

    Happy Friday

    I put most of my girls in the washine machine at a low setting and a low spin cycle...have they got lables hun? It normally says on there how to wash them x
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