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Everything posted by smilinjack

  1. Seven hours for 280 miles? Were you pushing the bloody bike?
  2. Look, she didn't get her own way over a thread she didn't like and she spat her dummy. All she had to do was not visit that thread but she just wouldn't let it lie. Bye, Rose.
  3. I was lucky enough to see the Floyd perform this entire album at Bingley Hall. Also saw The Wall at Earl's Court. Gilmour is a great live player, great individual style too.
  4. Well the bald guy's obviously Kevin Spacey
  5. Absolutely none, unless you count the Forum rideout. TBH the whole rally thing strikes me as a bit of an anachronism, all a bit 80s. Plenty better things to do with a weekend personally.
  6. Unfortunately the knob jockey has gone several years too late. Should at least have gone after the World Cup **** up. To resign over another knob jockey being sacked as captain over his head is the height of irony. Good riddance, bring on the tax monkey!!
  7. C'mon gang, it could be worse. I had to drive to a job near Matlock on Sunday, roads were OK. Was out walking in it Saturday on the High Peak Trail. You need to learn to love it I reckon. Sorry to hear about your work situation Dave, I know only too well how it gets you. Try & keep positive mate.
  8. I've been keeping two of my bikes at my work unit due to lack of space but need them out of the way for a machine removal on Friday. Bandit first down to my house, then the VFR to the mother in law's. Bastard cold to be sure, but it was nice to feel a bike under me again. That Honda feels like a new bike, can't wait to ride it to Spain in June.
  9. Gotta say half of me says no to the idea of chopping the delightful VFR400, but the other half says "cool, interesting" Keep us posted mate.
  10. I got that exact set half price in an offer a few months ago although my son's managed to lose the 10mm wrench
  11. If I find it I'll do a pic. Cost-just the postage dude.
  12. I may still have a smoked flyscreen for my Bandit. Will prob fit on if it's a 7" headlamp same as the B12. I'm at work 2morrow, I'll see if I can find it.
  13. Just for you Dick I've renewed the domain name so we'll point the server to the new address & you should hopefully be able to view in a day or three. Of course I now expect you to book it for a week!!
  14. Can't get on the website cos the domain expired & my mate may have to pull the plug on the server as he's broke.
  15. Oops, hard luck m8. Grantham Honda are good people to deal with btw.
  16. Right well after a month of humming & hawing I've gone & booked a ferry. At this stage I only stand to lose a £25 deposit but I got £30 off the fare for early booking. I was worried about the money and TBH my mum's pretty seriously ill but life's about measurement of risk in the final analysis. So Plymouth to Santander it is, early June. A few days riding the N260 across the Pyrenees, on to Girona, couple of nights at the flat then fly home. Leave the bike there for later in the summer & ride it back for MoT in 2013. Yeehaa!!
  17. They should do a Z 1400 geared for 150 top end.Would be a beast I think you'll find it already is a beast that vid has been cut & pasted by a number of different mags/websites. I've seen Visordown's version too.
  18. If you have SORN you don't need to be insured.
  19. Nice little collection anyway mate. When I get home at the end of the week I'll try & remember to post a pic of my dad's old hammer gun. Made in Birmingham around 1880, beautiful thing but unsafe to use. It was only ever proved with black powder. A modern nitro shell would maybe burst the barrels (Damascus barrels) and take your fingers off.
  20. Nice collection dude, but a bit more info would be nice. Make, calibre, what you use them for.
  21. OK, we're here & no speeding tickets AFAIK. Plenty of plod along the Gretna stretch mind you. Just going to catch the end of the footy in the bar. Laters all
  22. They are multi head embroidery machines. Built in China and we fit our own rather flaky controller on them. Apart from that, nae bother.
  23. What ho chaps! Just waiting for my workmate to pick me up. We're off to Aberdeen for the week to install three new machines. Thankfully looks like the weather is going to behave, but I don't think I can say the same for the machines just got to cross my fingers & hope for the best. We wondered about renting a place as we're expecting to spend a lot of time there in the coming weeks. As Captain Oates said-" I'm going out now, I may be some time" Hotel has Wifi of a sort so I can probably check in from time to time. Play nicely
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