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Everything posted by smilinjack

  1. Yep just got in myself with a £200 tickle on my payslip I wasn't expecting. Have a good 'un everyone.
  2. smilinjack

    "clean" (rude)

    Ah well if we're going for the C word again-my mate texted me & asked what a swollen vagina is. I thought "thick c***"
  3. Don't know how you got on with your cast Dave but I certainly have 3 less points on my licence! Half way to a clean one
  4. Shouldn't make so much profit dude perhaps you need a better accountant. And what the chavs take pales into insignificance compared to the cost of our military adventures and what the banks have taken from us. Makes me equally annoyed when I see my tax being spent on bombing some poor unfortunate Arab somewhere or other, etc etc.....live & let live I reckon.
  5. ...and he was a non smoking vegetarian. Sounds like an all round great guy. In answer to the question, if you're spending time watching Gaga on youtube, you're ill, not gay.
  6. smilinjack

    new bike

    +1 dude Something to look forward to once winter has gone.
  7. A few years ago my lad pasted three lads who had given his mate a going over. He missed prison only because he was starting Uni in the autumn, and had to pay compensation to one of the little shits as well. Always walk away is my opinion.
  8. Yes it's cool Chad-I've got a fair few vehicles in my name and I've scrapped several as well. However, if you break one inform DVLA once it's permanently scrapped so they can record the fact and you will no longer be responsible for tax/insurance/SORN. You may find that less easy with the new red V5 as I think you have to use a registered vehicle dismantler. There's no option to report a vehicle as personally scrapped/dismantled.
  9. just fed up with it dan, it comes off on the 21st No plaster but I've got 3 points coming off my licence on the 21st.
  10. Speaking as someone who studiously avoids this kind of chewing gum for the brain, it came as a surprise to discover that the winning band weren't a group of small Irishmen. Gotta go , Emmerdale's on in 5 mins
  11. Ive always said though if its not your own backyard....then knockem out as soon as you can Yeah I forget who said it but basically his opinion was in the States against a Yank you needed a knockout to get a draw.
  12. .....is over. Our old leopard gecko has been off the hooks for weeks, couldn't get him to feed, increasingly arthritic and immobile. So last night I did the decent thing and put him out of his misery. Feel a bit bad about it this morning. It's a curious thing- I've killed plenty of critters in my time one way or another, and it was the right thing to do, but it still feels sort of wrong. Anyway, RIP Gordon.
  13. Had to drive a van over Woodhead Pass this morning. Shaky
  14. Shades of the old Ogri strip when he put a Kawasaki H2 engine in a lawnmower. Good find.
  15. Soz Gaz must try harder-although I never go on Facefook TBF. Just lots of other demands on my time.
  16. Just testing if I can use smilies-Firefox 8 is a PITA so I'm trying out Chrome.
  17. Interesting stuff. It may seem petty & childish to some but this illustrates an often overlooked point-the very people who we think are upholding the law are in fact ignorant of it. Just a well paid traffic warden I'd suggest. Good on the cyclist for exposing the arrogant plod for what he is.
  18. dude you are so lazy. http://www.royalmail.com/delivery/business-delivery-options-uk/first-class-mail/prices
  19. No but I'm flying into East Midlands where the feckless gits might delay me. Speaking as someone who lost a pension and has always worked & paid taxes to keep a lot of useless people in protected employment, I think they want flogging with barbed wire. Rant over.
  20. It looks a lot like a Sunbeam S7 but prob too old?
  21. well yeah, I think it's a spoof like, but as an avowed cat hater I think it looks a great piece of kit.
  22. Kooks. I'm off for a bath Gaz so let's see if these young whippersnappers can illuminate us.......
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