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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. just got some insurance quotes, had the bike a year now so looking forward to my cheaper insurance with the years no claims. Well it's gone up £50 what a bunch of rip off . Also been looking at what they consider to be a mod, I'm suprized they don't charge for wax and polish, god i hate insurance companies
  2. Yep he's an allround good egg, keep up the good the good work Dave and Stu
  3. I still dont think dry lube is any good can't be daves, it's not polished to within an inch of it's life
  4. nice one,you should put some pics up of the work you have done thumbs thumbs here is his first one
  5. well i thought they would fly out and I want my patch
  6. can't believe how few orders you have mate
  7. you never know Dick we might end up with spaces to fill if you're up for it
  8. Had to read a few times, thought you had bought a gold plated Zippo or summut (£350 lighter) then the penny dropped . I take it this will be captive bred and not ripped from the wild
  9. great links , thanks a million, will get them sent to the others who are thinking of it
  10. HAHA that's Yossa. Give us a job OMG! how old were you there Dude
  11. A few of us have this idea of taking bikes to St Petersberg, via Latvia and Finland, have any of you done epic journies and if so what tips do you have for planning etc. At the moment the idea is to get about 5 to 8 of us and a support driver in a van with the gear.To give us time to organize it properly we are looking at 2013 and in the Finnish summer so there is less snow to get through.Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  12. A bloke at work got solar last year, he said the double glazing gang has jumped on the band wagon, so do your homework well matey or you will get ripped off.
  13. not the gate mate, it's the alley.The good news is I've got the wife looking at moving so might just wait a year and see what happens
  14. I must admit, I fell in with Robbies, just don't have £8000 burning a hole in my pocket.
  15. Been looking at upgrading my Bandit 600 for summut fared and bigger, I just took two bikes out today bike 1. GSX1250F well what a piece of , seat was like sitting on a piece of wood and the gears were well clunky, I was really suprized not to like this bike having already got a Bandit bike2. CBF1000 loved it, smoothe a silk and handled like a dream, it felt so much lighter than my B6, but when I asked the weight on return was amazed to find it was 10kg heavier, Before i get a list of bikes that are better, I have a max width of 31 inches which means 90% of bikes are no good to me.
  16. First one just sounds like a right Knob, you must be a very patient person, I would have gone off on one for sure.
  17. small peeps driving cars, when their eyes are just two inches above the steering wheel marmite
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