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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. never heard of anyone who tucks there gloves in there jacket, gloves are designed to go over the jacket! always found it more confy with the textile jackets
  2. ahh maybe my gloves are too small. think some leather stretching is in order are they summer gloves ? they dont really have much of a cuff to tuck anywhere yeah they are but are sports bike type gloves to a thick ankle bit etc. swift v8 gloves!
  3. Chadatious


    Sweban, still looks bloody cold there thou
  4. ahh maybe my gloves are too small. think some leather stretching is in order
  5. clever that mates bandits got a 60 odd mm jack up and hes got a black of thick metal welded then drinded, looks like a bi duck foot
  6. its buggin me and want to sort it? i used to tuck the wrist bir of my gloves under my textile sleve but my new leather jacket the wrists are too tight i can put gloves over top but i dont find it very comfy, any solutions or do i need gloves with a smaller wrist as mine are quite long, also my gloves are a size too small could that be it, got a mate 2 sizes bigger to strectch them out and did the job as they are an absolute bargain
  7. i agree dave dont take to charity shop put it on ebay
  8. have fun guys and gals and stay safe! gutted cant meet you all but maybe next time
  9. good on ya micky, just shows how people can be so selfish!
  10. being young i relate the mz to the skorpion, or mastiff etc
  11. cold and wet all morning so took a amte to oput a depeost on a new car etc,. and was 19 degreese and sunny when i got home so did 45 miles on the bike also tried to get my knee down so close now! run out of light by 9.30 ill try again soon
  12. ooooh very nice!MMM bet they will sound nice look cool too swaying that stue, a busa at oakdene had 2 tiny tubbies, baffled and they were quieter than the standard busa he was with i was speachless
  13. sure he wont mind swapping it over to test and if it works you know to buy one? drop him a pm no harm in asking mate, were all here to help eachouther out
  14. ahhh. i remember asking for someone before and it was like a tenner if i remember right. if not sure someone on here with a bandit 600 is local to you? and whats up with the bike then?
  15. brilliant! bet your well pleased
  16. More progress but last for just under 2 weeks. i am going to be ridding the bike like this as next week is review week, so cant put the proper paint on until the week after, but rather ride it than have it locked up for 2 weeks! top stop on (~fills the pin holes) i then put it in the booth and added some primer its a local prime thats why the whole tanks not done, only issue is a slight sink on the filler from bake, so ill flat the primer and re-spray it to fill that in and should look like there was never a dent! still can bairly notice it right now. okay tanks back on the bike also thank you dave for the clock! bike just needs a proper clean/polish for the hadnting may day bike run
  17. or cliping my toe nails i was in the car, if i do get it its my fault ill be more careful, hope im in clear but wont bank on it. it was one of those new vans as saw it again today same spot. also check seat belts, which i had on, mobile phones, which was in top glove box, and proves who the driver was, so all clear except the speed
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