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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Hi daisychain! The scripture that's heard is: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (John 10:27) This scripture is not just about hearing His actual voice per se, but it's also in every way God speaks to us, His Children. We understand perceive and know every form of God's voice and we follow Him. Now that we are under the new Covenant, we have God's very own Spirit living inside of us and because of this, we know the way God is leading us. Like Mark said, it's the peace of God that is your key as to if something is of God and it should not be something difficult. What makes it difficult is when we think that the devil has just as much power as God does. If we think that, we will confuse ourselves. I'm not talking too much about the devil here because I think that is where we get thrown off. The more we think about what he COULD POSSIBLY be doing, the more we empower him in our minds...and confuse ourselves. We have to understand that God won't allow us, his precious children, to ask a question for confirmation and then be taken for a ride by the enemy. Focus more on God's love for you and His ability to confirm His Word to you and you will discern it...in and with peace. Blessings
  2. So how did it go? Did he enjoy service?
  3. These are the EXACT scriptures that came to mind when I read the original post to this thread. I really think that as Christians we pay too close to what takes place outside of a person and like to judge them accordingly. The thing is, we pick and choose what we deem good or bad. Yes our bodies belong to God, but when we lay down with people we aren't married to...gossip about people we really know nothing about...etc...you can't see those things ON A PERSON. This is why God had to put these two scriptures in the Bible, that Dee quoted, so that we can come back to the realization of what's important...man's heart...which ultimately means his motivation for doing something. I don't care either way, to be honest with you. I'm after the soul of a person. I'm looking for them to get healed and delivered from whatever they need to be healed and delivered from. If a Christian decides to get a tattoo, it doesn't matter to me because if it doesn't change God's heart towards them, then I don't want my heart to change either.
  4. I agree with Dreamster on this John. Although I respect where you may be in your process with the Lord, I don't find a reason at all for you to repent for anything that you have posted here. This is a place where you don't have to be perfect, but its a place where one can become perfected in the gifts that God has placed inside. The Moderators here are discerning and would have told you if things were off, in terms of the regulations of the site. Blessings to you, and I"m praying for you in this season...
  5. So happy for you! I remember when I was excited about my first niece...and then three more came right after... Enjoy, they are TRULY blessings from the Lord!!
  6. Amen and I will continue to today
  7. Thank you Ruth! The website s a great resource!!
  8. Praying God's perfect will in this situation.
  9. Christa, I know that it seems disappointing, but God is still in control. I used to hate when people said that to me when I was going through things, but when I really locked into the revelation that God REALLY is in control of my life...that my life and the things that I go through are not about me, but HIM...I learned to appreciate that phrase. I say to you that all the days of your life where put in a book (Psalm 139) and each page has been PRE-Written...including the bad stuff. God allowed this season in your life because He knew you were made of the stuff that could handle it. Just believe that you are and know that there is a glorious end to ALL of this drama. When you come through this, you AND your daughter will NOT smell like smoke. People will wonder how you could go through all of that and not have a scar or singe on you. Our loving Heavenly Father has you girl...TRUST and BELIEVE!!
  10. Awesome Testimony MamaZ...God is good!!!
  11. Yes her mother is very condescending towards her so maybe she just wants to stand out and be the only one with certain things. I'm getting it now...thanks Dee
  12. I am praising our Lord and Protector with you. This has happened to me twice before, but both times a heavy sleep came over me after I was fully dressed to leave the house. Both times the accidents were fatal. It's so true that God directs our steps. He's worthy to be praised!!!
  13. She will never admit to having low self worth so I can only pray. You are right...this is the core of her issue.
  14. Thank you Connie. I do understand everything you've said and I wholeheartedly agree with you.
  15. Thank you Ruth... Yes, played as a child too (classically) and didn't appreciate it at all. There is an excitement in it for me, yet a fear because it's new and the church I go to is prophetic and there is a prophetic flow that has everything to do with the music. It's a lot of pressure, but I have to relinquish it all on the Lord and rest in the fact that it's HIS gift working through me. I can't lean on my flesh to get this done...it's not by might, nor by power, but it's by His Spirit. Thank you for your kind encouragement...
  16. Wow Deborah! Didn't know you were a Musician. Even tough much of what you shared I know already, for some reason when you shared this, it ministered to me all over again. My problem is that I'm too focused on the calendar and how long I have before I'm playing...which includes the songs for the special music by he praise team. I know that learning chords I'll allow me to do this however, thinking of the time is driving me bananas. So lik you and Lurdys have said...just practice and let God do the rest.
  17. Amen Lurdys...I know this to be true. Thank you!
  18. Explain why you feel it's envy?
  19. Hi Stephanie... I know what you are going though and the scripture that I'm studying and meditating on is: There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection]. (1 John 4:18 AMP) Once we realize the love that God has for us...I mean REALLY get the full revelation of it...then fear will disappear. I've also realized that fear is the absence of courage and the way to get courage is to push past fear no matter what. If its fear of safety, then KNOWING that God loves you and has written Psalm 91, just for you will help. Praying for you...
  20. Asking for prayer and any testimonies in this new, yet old area of ministry that I'm moving into. As a child, I took 11 years of piano and when I was 16 years old, I decided I didn't want to commit to the practicing, so my parents told me I no longer had to take lessons. As an adult...a worshiping adult...I became more and more fond of the instruments and secretly desired to play the piano again so I could worship the Lord with something than my voice. Back in December, our church had a Christmas party and we played a game, "one thing you didn't know about me". Well for some reason I wrote down that I took 11 years of piano. Little known to me, our current keyboardist was asking God who could replace her as keyboardist because she had other projects God was moving her towards. I didn't know that my name was coming up in her Spirit, but she didn't move out on it because she didn't think I even knew anything about the piano. When they read what I wrote down at the party, she knew what was on her heart was of God. TO make a long story short, here I am, rehearsing with her each week and learning Piano Chords...something I never learned before and after not playing the piano for over 29 years, it's nerve wrecking to say the least. The other thing that is causing fear to rise up is that my first Sunday playing in church is June 24th. I've only been rehearsing for two months and the first month was basically theory and learning the chords. So, yes...I'm in need of some MAJOR prayer and encouragement right now. Deep within me I know that God has me and this is HIS DOING, but I know how much preparation has to do with it and there is that part of my flesh that says "girl, you are going to be embarrassed because it's only been two months". I have a friend that told me she heard God say that it will be supernaturally done through me, but that little voice in my head says, "is she just saying that because I'm her friend?" Ugh! I'm struggling today with this...can't you tell? PRAY FOR ME PEOPLE!!!!!!
  21. Hey Miss Christa!! Praying for you as well as rejoicing with you on the manifestation of having full custody. God isn't finished yet...relax in His love and protection.
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