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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Thanks everyone!!! I do realize that God cares for the little things because I have made a concious effort to thank Him for the little things. I just thought there may have been something more to why these so called "insignificant" dreams come. I appreciate the input!
  2. I've noticed with some of my older dreams from 15+ years ago, that when they manifest, there is nothing spectacular about them. What I mean by that is, for example, I had a dream about me getting an autograph from a celebrity. At the time, the dream was silly because that was all to it. Well recently I went to a function and this particular celebrity was there so I stood in line to get her autograph. The dream I had hit me, at that point, and then I noticed some of the people that were in my dream, in the room. I didn't see their faces in the dream, but the color of their clothing...if that makes sense. As I stood in line, I couldn't help but think what was going to happen because afterall, God showed this to me 15 years ago. Well, nothing happened. All I have is a piece of paper with her autograph on it. Why do you think God shows us things like this, when they really have nothing to do with change in our lives? Do you think that these dreams are "markers" in life to let us know that we are on track or on the right journey? I'm curious to see if anyone has had dreams like this manifest and what you think about them.
  3. Will be praying for you!!! Sad to see you go, but I TRULY understand. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!
  4. Things like this happen when you take steps of faith and come out from under those strings that used to bind you...if ya know what I mean.
  5. Hi Krystal... You should copy and paste this dream into the Dream Interpretation Forum so that our interpreters can see it and maybe help you out. Blessings!
  6. WOW!!!! Noooo, not the baby!!! Sweet Jesus be the Peace that this family needs during this time.
  7. [quote="John7]But I guess God is planning things behind the scene we're not aware of, we just need to wait on Him even though it can be enduring sometimes.[/quote] There is a scripture that I read the other day that lines up with this comment. But Jesus answered them, My Father has worked [even] until now, [He has never ceased working; He is still working] and I, too, must be at [divine] work. (John 5:17 AMP) I once heard a minister say...when it seems like God is being still...THAT'S the time when He is doing the most. I don't have a scripture to back that up, but if we just take the scripture above as proof...we can easily say that God NEVER ceases.
  8. Well praise God for your honesty and transparency. Although I understand where you are coming from, it's a beautiful thing when you rejoice with others when things go the way they desire...even when things aren't quite going the way you desire for them to go. I dare you to HONESTLY be happy for them. It's God's gift to them anyway. I just read this post in another forum on this site. Read it and see if it blesses you. /t12078-bgod-has-a-timetable-b
  9. Awesome!!!!! This is the reason why I ENCOURAGE people to NOT get mad at God when things don't go the way they want it to go. It's all in timing and according to purpose. You are right on target when you said that if Joseph would have been released any sooner, he probably would have gone back to his family. God knows when we are ready enough for purpose. Sometimes we FEEL ready, but many times that is "anxiousness". We need to rest in the Love of God and His faithfulness. This is where TRUST comes in. Can we trust the God we serve to get us where HE designed for us to be? The scripture that I've been studying lately is: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry..." (Hababukkuk 2:2-3) Let us ALL allow God to do HIS thing in our lives. It's His glory that needs to shine and not our own. Thanks for sharing!!!!
  10. Keep prayin because God is hearing you. There are some men that have joined this group. Not sure when they will begin to post, but just thought you should know the prayers are being heard.
  11. Of course you can!!!! God loves your husband, despite his actions. It's the FERVENT prayers of the righteous that produces MUCH power. Keep pleading the blood of Jesus over him...God hasn't forgotten about his confession of Christ to come into his life...even though your husband isn't walking in it.
  12. Remain prayerful Siranta...as I said to you before, your children come first. Although I agree with what was said by John regarding what Joel Osteen said, however mowing the lawn and alcoholism are two different things. I know your husband has good points, the reality is, him being intoxicated in front of your children is NOT good. I don't mean to pour water on your excitement...I just don't want you to check out from the reality of your situation. Once again...remain prayerful!
  13. This is a toughy Siranta because, based on some of you former posts, I know that you have to keep the peace in your home. I wouldn't make a move to go to the church until you see some form of change in your husband's attitude towards it. I say this ONLY BECAUSE of how he reacts. You don't want to cause more strife in the home. I know you want to go to church and God hears your prayers regarding it, but if you want to continue with keeping your family in tact, then you will have to sacrafice this aspect until the change in his heart is made. Have you sought God on where He wants you to be? Even though you like this church in your town, is this where God is leading you to? If so, then God will make the way, but it will be in HIS timing and will be conducive to the ENTIRE family...because God is Peace. Praying with you, about this situation.
  14. I will be praying Connie. Did I miss something...who passed away?
  15. I would like to flip this so you can see it from a different perspective Blue101. God protected you and spared you from another level of healing. What I mean by that is...you could have gotten into a relationship with this person and became so in love and then this could have happened to you. If you've ever been cheated on in the past, like I have, it's one of the most PAINFUL processes a person can go through. Even though it hurts now...think of what God spared you from if the relationship would have gone deeper. His "inappropriateness" just shows that he's possibly not where you are in your relationship with God. This is not to judge him, but the Bible says that a man is known by the fruit that he bears (Matthew 7:20). So don't see this as rejection...see this as God's love FOR YOU!!! He loved you so much that he allowed this to happen to show you that this guy may not be GOD'S BEST for you. I'm praying with you!!
  16. Sadly GoldenEagle, your cousin knows he's in a bad place with this relationship and still chooses not to do something about it. I mean, he did in the begining because he moved, but then he ALLOWED her to come and stay with him again. You have already told him what he should be doing, but he's not listening and I don't think it will matter if his mom...or your aunt, knew about it. He's still making the decision. You can't and shouldn't wear this burden on you. Sadly, your cousin is going through what thousands of other men are going through...they are being abused by women and this is something that is shameful for them. I am ministering to a young lady in South Africa who has FIVE children and her husband beats her. I can only say so much. Where I do my job is in prayer. I am in extreme warfare regarding this because she feels like her husband his stronger than her and she can't leave because she's weak. She believes that because he has filled her mind with that crazy stuff. So I go into prayer and break those words off of her. A few days later, I got word that she had enough guts to tell him that she hated him and she wanted a divorce because she was tired of being abused. To her suprise, he buckled like a little boy. He stood there without make a sound or reacting. At that moment she saw just how weak he really was. I believe it was God that stepped in to show her that. All in all, she is now empowered to make the moves out of the house and out of the marriage because GOD opened up her eyes to see what was really going on. What I'm saying is, handle this in prayer because if you go and betray your cousin's trust by telling your aunt, it will make things worse between you and your cousin. He won't see it as you helping him...he will see it as you betraying him. You DEFINATELY don't want that because you seem to be all that he has right now. I will be praying about this situation with you, that God will step in just like he did with my friend.
  17. Sister...let me say this to you. God has honored your desire to work and you need to hold on to that...that is your hope. Your hope is always in the source...not the fruit. The Source (Jesus) has already given you EVERYTHING pretaining to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) The one thing that the Lord has shown me is that a job is ONLY a means of income, but HE IS the ultimate Source. I had to live this for 14 months. There were days that were easier than others, but because of the Mercy and Grace of our loving Heavenly Father, I was able to make it. People were giving me money...sending me large sums in the mail. God laid me on their hearts and they were "unlikely" people. When I say "unlikely", I'm speaking about those who it looked like needed help themselves, but they blessed me. God will use ANYONE to help. Soooo...this is the time for you to TRUST Him and let Him take care of you. We will continue to stand with you, in agreement for a job, but in the meantime...rely on your Savior!!!!!!
  18. This is just a friendly reminder that there are forum rules posted here on this site and one of them is that books, websites or any other materials are not to be posted. I have provided the link to the forum for your review. /t2216-more-rules-and-guidelines I edited the post by taking the book and website recommendation off so that we align ourselves with the guidelines of the site. Thank you!!
  19. Cholette


    Alexis...the PM stays in your outbox until the receipient picks up. You will know that they have picked up the PM when it is in your "sent box"...or no longer in your 'out box" Hope this helps.
  20. Amen!! The wonderful thing about it is that your situation didn't take God by surprise. Even when you didn't know, God was equipping you to be able to handle this. It's just the way He does things. Remain encouraged...God will turn things around for you...for HIS glory...in due season!!
  21. Hello Weneca...I will be praying for you and your family. Use this time to REALLY get into the Word of God like never before. There is something so awesome that happens when we throw ourselves into God during hard and difficult times. Allow the Lord to love you through His Word. When you seek Him FIRST, then everything else you need will be added to you. Blessings and Peace!
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