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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Amen!!!! I'm am so sad in my heart today. I guess yesterday I was in shock, but I think it's settled in and now the children are in my prayers as well as the rest of the family!!
  2. May the Lord keep you in perfect peace as your mind is stayed on him.
  3. Hi Chica4Christ! It's not you per se, but I believe it's about the plan that God has for you. As far as the groups...have you thought about starting one yourself? You being the "social butterfly" and all, maybe it's time for you to start something...that way you know that you would stick to it and everyone else will have something to come to. Five groups to dissolve is A LOT!!! I think God is trying to tell you something. If I were you, I would really settle down and ask God if all of the moving around you are doing is his pace...his will...his plan for you. A lot of times we are moving here and there and honestly there is nothing wrong with it however it's like what Paul said in Romans...All things are lawful, but not expedient. In other words, they are good things to do, but are they the right thing for you to be doing. God may be trying to settle you down so that he can do a new work in your life. These are just my thoughts...
  4. Hmmm...this puts me in rememberance when I was younger and i worked for a department store. I worked in one of the busiest departments and I was the assistant manager. I got pregnant with my son and the management told me that they didn't want to stress me out with the extreme demand the department had, so they put me downstairs in the plus size department. Everyone including me knew this was a demotion even though they called it a lateral. They had a new chick they wanted in my position because she had some ties to the corporate office. The whole time of this transition I was disturbed, but I did everything they asked me to do because God told me to keep my smile and keep my work ethic no matter what. When the "big wigs" came to look at the numbers of all of the departments, the revenue for my former department fell tremendously and the numbers for the plus size department went up A LOT!! It was REALLY evident at that point...after I saw the strange looks on the managers faces...what they were REALLY trying to do and it was exposed. The plus size deparment was one of those areas no one wanted to work in because no one ever shopped in there, but when God got in it, he changed things around...not just that, but I was able to get MORE experience and when they finally wanted to put me back in that other department, God had brought forth another job where I was able to utilize the things I learned in the plus size department. I was promoted outside of the company and God worked it out for the good. I said all of that to say this...it looks like she is messing with you, but God is training you for something else. It always looks bad especially if we have our focus on the individual who is making things hard for us. Put your eyes on Jesus and discern the good that he is bringing forth out of this situation. God loves you and if He allowed this, you better believe that He is up to something for YOUR GOOD!!!
  5. Hi Renewed...I agree with LTWJ...God will reveal to you in due season. A good thing for you to do is read isaiah 42, 43 and 48. It talks about "the new thing". Going to God's word and having the Holy Spirit open it up for you can help reveal to you what the Lord is saying to you. When receiving prophetic words, I found out that it's easier to NOT try to figure it out because usually we end up in an analytical mode.and start seeing things that God never intended. I have done that over and over again and when the Word began manifesting in my life, it was nothing like I interpreted to be. You should thank God each day for the new thing He is doing in your life and in doing that, He will reveal. Remember...we only know in part. Praying for you!!!
  6. Thanks Sandra...you have blessed my soul!!! This is something for me to keep for reference. I LOVED the part about developing the "friendship" and setting THAT time for just enjoying Him without going to Him with all of the "junk of the day". Your response has made me thirsty for MORE of Him.
  7. Cholette

    Praising the Lord

    I'm praising right along with you MB!!!
  8. I'm doing that today!!!! Glad you are feeling betta!!!!
  9. Praise God for another year Paul!!!!!!!!
  10. and praising God for his power, strength and salvation in this situation!!
  11. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it when he does things like this!!!!!
  12. Thank you Ediway...I am in constant prayer for the President and all of the other officials as well. I praise God for you and all that He has revealed to you!!!!
  13. You are most welcomed...the prayers of the righteous AVAILS MUCH!!!
  14. Lord we thank you that NO WEAPON formed against this marriage can prosper and EVERY evil tongue that has risen against it has been refuted because that is their inheritance through Christ Jesus!! We thank you for restoration from the root and that Your love will begin to shine within this union. We thank you and praise you IN ADVANCE that it is YOUR will that this covenant marriage stays together. We bind the hand of the enemy that is trying to bring havoc to this marriage...we come against all confusion, distrust and dishonor in the name of Jesus...DEVIL LOOSE THIS MARRIAGE AND LET IT GO...you have no right, you have no authority!! We stand in the Authority that Jesus Christ gave to us through His precious blood, death and resurrection. We call this marriage restored, healed and fulfilled in the name of Jesus...AMEN!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELLUJAH!!!!!!!
  15. Bless you girl!!! God is YOUR HUSBAND in this season. Remember this, He will never allow a natural man to outdo HIM. Know him as your help first and then the man will come! I'm not saying that you are NOT doing this, but times like the one you are in are designed for God to redefine to you who HE really is to YOU!!! I'm praying for you...as usual!
  16. It's cheaper to fix LTWJ!! If it's uncomfortable without an AC then get it fixed. Don't worry about the money for the house...God will provide for that. Be thankful that you have a savings to dip into because there are some people who's AC is out and they don't know where the money is coming from. The house is already yours...including the money that it will take to get it and run it!!!
  17. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! He is an AWESOME GOD!!!!
  18. This is the scripture that came while reading your prayer LTWJ: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6 - NIV) God is in control!
  19. Happy Birthday!!!!! May you have MANY MORE!!!
  20. ONE of my weaknesses is that I need a "filter" when I'm giving advice or correcting a situation. I"m a "shoot from the hip" type of girl and my delivery could stand to be tempered. Help me JEEEZUS!!
  21. I pray for BOTH of you...May God's healing power saturate you from the top of your heads to the bottom of your feet and all rashes and the root cause be not named among you EVER AGAIN!!!
  22. Oh MY!!!!!! I can appreciate your post because it is becoming harder and harder to stomach what is going on out there in the church. I remember my Pastor preaching a message entitled "We Are The Church". That opened my eyes to something so different. Some things took place in my local church that was very political and it hurt me because I didn't see God in any of it and it hurt a lot of people and scattered them...all of them wounded. I asked myself how a church, where we go to be healed, could do so much damage? Well I now know it happens...more than we realize. Don't get me wrong, there are some REALLY great churches, but like you said, we shouldn't have our whole attention on the building and what it can do for us when we need to go out and BE the church!! Yes, God wants us to assemble and have a place to operate in our gifts however God's main purpose is to seek and save the lost. I love your freedom iminhiswill~~ I'm so happy that God has ministered and confirmed himself to you. Many won't appreciate this freedom you have NOR will they agree, but I'm telling you my friend, God is NOT happy with the state of the church right now...that's for sure!!! Blessings to you and enjoy your Abundant life of freedom...
  24. Praise God Reepromotions. I have extra virgin olive oil and my pastor prayed over mine. You can pray over it to...God hears your prayers just as much as he hears your pastors so don't hold back... buy the oil and PRAY!!!!!
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