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Everything posted by BabyPeach

  1. Wow your pets look so festive!! :tree2: Very creative...some pets just wear the same this weeks outfits. I like to mix up the new stuff with old stuff.
  2. Haha Hideeni as santa...haha funny he would probably scare the children!!
  3. Hi Gaia!! I hope this isn't tooo exspensive, but I would like the toy shop toys on display. I unfortunately only have 135 coins lol. Thank YOU SO MUCH!!! I'll add rep for this amazingly nice thread. :tree2:
  4. Hi Sparkie can I have a quick dye! Ambi needs a quick makeover. She would like... Nerdy Boy Wig- dyed the pink on the very right of the pink wig dye table. (Its the darkest pink) Plum pink
  5. He needs a jacket! Real clothes!! Chicken suits, and turkey suits or pumpkin suits etc, aren't clothes!!!
  6. yeah except the hideeni one...Yeah I said it hideeni lol.
  7. I hate the new hideeni ornament!! Ugly!!! Poor Hideeni.... Why is he all blue and stuff lol? :smiles: But, I love this ornament!
  8. Bonnie your pets house is adorable...My pet is jealous. (don't tell her I said that)
  9. I love the clothes especially the sugar plum princess dress! I LOVE THE LITTLE PENGUIN PLAYING THE PIANO AT THE BOUTIQUE! Its so adorable!
  10. Happy belated birthday Jebema! I wish I was friends with Jebema I would have sent her a gift! :lovebox:
  11. Okay I am just posting this one for fun because Hideeni didn't come when I finished it. Ahh! Hideeni and Ambi are under the mistletoe! Real Entry Customer: Wow this place is so fancy it has pink jello!
  12. Haha sorry aya! I know how you feel, but its just too funny! That is DISGUSTING! I would sue whatever grocery store that banana comes from! lol
  13. Hi. I really really need somebody to to do a trade with me. I want to enter the room of the week contest, but I need the limited edition work bench!! I only have 5 cash coins though. I will pay 5 cash coins and 24 999s! Please help!!
  14. Hey do you have any cash coins would you be interested in trading?
  15. Thats a good idea!!! So than how many coins would I need for the extra 4 cash coins?
  16. Hmph I only have one 5999...lol but I have alot of 999s. could I pay in 999s? I know it would take alot but could I?
  17. I just buy the gift cards. I never bought the 25 dollar one just the ten. That's mean and when its almost Christmas too!
  18. Can I have 2 pink microwave? 6 999?
  19. So how much would I have to pay? How many coins?
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