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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Okay as dinner's near, this is not official announcement but just wanna highlight (or remind) my homies few things. - Please wear whatever you like cause this dinner is suppose to be laid back environment, nothing's formal just like this forum is. Just don't show up topless that will do. - The dinner's not meant to be just sit makan and balik. So feel free to bring anything that you feel like bringing. Whether it's hauls you wanna lansi, any custom you wanna share, or stuff you plan to sell or trade. - This dinner is your chance to meet few pydrummers. Not the authentic one though. - I have specifically requested caterer not to include beef in their meals, so whoever not taking it can still eat freely, but i can't help on vegetarians though. - Whoever from far away need a place to stay for a night before going back, freeaccomodation is provided by the undercoverbrother, location? The Undercover Hideout, minutes away from the venue. Anyway some of us gonna spend rest of the night here so playaz are welcomed to join in!
  2. Some dude by the name of Nightcrawler error Super haul in US.. pic from spawn board.
  3. When i used to hunt places like Parkson Rawang, i would sit there and take like 10mins on each cars to gently peel off that huge security sticker at the back before paying (in front of staff of course, else they might think i'm planning to steal them cars), and request the cashier to use other cars on peg to scan instead. It's all because when i first visited this Parkson the cashier tore 'em hard and i'm like "Oucchhhhh", can't blame her cause it's pretty impossible to safely remove without taking time.
  4. Dia nak bagi free tu ambik lah hehe..
  5. I believe hotwheels don't use any sort of grease cause these are meant for small kids who might lick the cars and all, sirim definitely won't like it. Hotwheels are known to be one of fastest because the way they design the axles, and for FTE wheels the axle's nickel plated. That oil you see is because some kakak tengah makan Mcd while assembling the car.
  6. It's just forum dude Nothing is formal here not that you're required to ask for permission from owner or what, no need to copy paste link also.. just put something like "..from clippingpoint's blog" enough edi.
  7. The crop thingy shouldn't be an issue whether he did or already is, or even if we wanna mess around by adding own captions and stuff. But eric is right on the part that giving credit to your source is very important, especially when it's related to someone's work or personal stuff like pics on ebay or other playaz haul. Unless the pics already common on net like pics you see in Failblog then it's alrite lah. Ah small thing.. keep on posting new stuff everyone! Mirage GT is pure awesomeness btw.
  8. Demolished = +1 to originality you know.. perhaps your son should join the competition and showcase his 'demolished' custom who know his beats everyone else here lol.
  9. Batman pun boleh meniarap gaya superman dalam tumbler dia so any explanation accepted.
  10. Precisely. I wanted to highlight about this being dead cases too but thanks to RG for helping pointing it out. And btw ucb's torino count to date = 0. Hehe.
  11. No actually part of the trade felt bad that i was asking a bit more than i should (due to that particular hunt got it pretty pricely). So i offered some regs in return to cover, wanted to offer more but by the time my homie's trade done he already got plentiful of regs secured.
  12. Next time raceday must use jhc's facility to tune up my car.
  13. I keep track in very precise manner, recording every trade made, how much shipping and stuff. I do this just to be aware value for each of my set, e.g in 12 Supers, maybe 8 i scored paid over counter, 3 were trades using another Super/other cars, 1 bought from scalper at marked up price. So in total i get the idea how much i spent to complete my Supers, and if i could find way to reduce my total i'll do it e.g replacing the same super at cheaper price and selling back the first one at how much i got it for. or trading it with slightly 'unbalanced' deal to cover the loss. In the end i'll tell myself "Hey i just spent less than rm100 to complete Supers!".
  14. Beetle cup is 2009 club car, meant for giveaway to first 80 members who registered and bothered to submit personal details form, and this one's free of charge. Set to be released on dinner too so basically some playaz are going back with 3 cars that nite. But whoever in the list but didn't make it we'll still post it to them though.
  15. Ini bukan potong sini potong sana.. ini potong stim!
  16. What? Enterbay gone from bruce lee to ferraris?
  17. I got none. ..cause i don't collect Mini lol
  18. Here's sum pics.. ** (edit by ucb) Eh, it's an alcohol la, not good for free advertising
  19. Interested with your Torina, if you need older regs do let me know will see if i have any you're looking for.
  20. That's one nice Ferrari. Too bad i merajuk from Ferrari Racers to continue on. Cool haul.
  21. I was hoping this tumbler have more features compared to it's single carded counterpart. Turn out only difference is very slightly added detail on it's rear wheels and that's it.
  22. Nice story.. always cool to get to know another fellow playa. Btw if he got more Super Fire Eater to let go at 'okay' price pls put ucb next on the queue hehe.
  23. I should sue Mattel for stealing my invisible trademark.
  24. We can't regulate things, as in you're bound to agreement not to sell this to anyone else and stuff. But whatever it is, this kind of thing seriously doubt can fetch that much value outside for one to plan scalping it, what the hell is some cars made by bunch of unknown people by wannabe club anyway hehe.. But this is somehow special to us only us cause this is all about fun being part this community thing and we are getting somewhere now.
  25. Lol, anyway he's refering to the time i'm using that clappin' hands avatar.
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