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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. ya lor.. next time bring me too.. touch lambo already enough for me,
  2. wahh.. so many nice cars had been slaughtered!!! nice!!
  3. joinla bro...if im not working that day,i'll be there too...sure lots of fun there.. i want to join but i dunno where i gonna be at that time.. if near KL, sure i pegi punya la, huhu~
  4. wahh.. all nice cars!! great hauls bro!!
  5. wow!! great hauls!! so many nice cars!!
  6. looks like some ppl already double, even triple the quantity of his cars!! great hauls bro.. now u nearly beat me,
  7. nice hauls!! now u got so many cars ady!!
  8. when la i got $uper bagger.. envy la those who got super bagger.. huhu~~ btw nice catch bro!!
  9. wow!! great hauls!! super summore!! and minis too!!
  10. congrats on ur first greenies... keep looking for more,
  11. jhc7598

    weee new wave!

    nice haul!! congrats.. nice greenies..
  12. nice hauls bro.. love that yellow ctr..
  13. py every hauls got greenies.. huhu.. so kuat la u punya jampi.. envy².. btw all nice haulss.. congrats.
  14. wow,... nice... celica @ rm40.. and the playset at rm3?? wahh.. nice catch mr admin!!
  15. wow.. nice hauls.. still looking for that wrc evo.. where u got bro?? btw all great cars.. congrats..
  16. do u know got variation for this one? with co-mold white rims like ferrari racer blue F40's nice. There is also 10SP variation. The CM5 version is a 2005 Kmart exclusive, not easy to find I think. not including the long stripe / short stripe at back, plus cobra tampo at back.. huhu.. btw all nice cars bro.. u always got many many great hauls.. congrats..
  17. wow.. that lots of rubbers!!!
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