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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. This evoX already reach our shore.. already grab it today,
  2. nice catch.. love that willys..
  3. huhu.. sure danie be the champ that day, .. funny to see many ppl fall upon her hand last time, including me.. ..
  4. Wow!!!! Superb job.. cheh, lucky cham.. .. huhu~~ Well done bro.. envy those decals..
  5. i think so.. those civics sure for customs job.. huhu.. btw u also bought that tomica truck, huhu~~ arghh, that evoX police..
  6. bro dreamer_adrian @ bro demonicle, this week got gath or not??
  7. @ckh - ya lor, both beautiful cars.. for me, its worth the prices.. @sinclair.. thanks.. erm, the cars not too heavy, instead just as same weight as HotWheels EvoX, although it's a bit bigger than hotwheels..
  8. that's kurz's trademark style, i just borrowing only, huhu..
  9. huhu.. ya la, looks like i gonna find more la, love opening mystery cars, haha.. but now so hard to find mystery lot with reasonable prices..
  10. huhu~~ ya la, the only thing that i disappointed about this evoX is that wheel too deep.. izzit mine only or everybody else? but i really love that GTR..
  11. ^ allow me, bro kurz.. Catching Up!! Close up Top View Kurz Style!! (bro Kurz, syok la corner baring nih, ) Jumping!!!
  12. wahh.. 2nd raceday.. but this time cant join la guys.. tight schedule.. looks like i'm giving morale support from far, huhu~~
  13. wow... nice hauls bro..
  14. wahhh... 2nd accident in a week? really really bad luck bro.. looks like u must not burn the TH, but give them to me instead,
  15. haha, i shot a lot for this ENZO oh noooooooooo.....
  16. Need for Speed Undercover edition??
  17. jhc7598

    RAOK Story

    wahh. now must trade with bro rayz too la.. and demonicle ^, lol...
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