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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. fits perfectly!!! now that's a new way to show our customs here!!! great one bro Atom!
  2. wow, is that gallardo? mesti mat seleh yang pakai ni. i really hope that crane on the background fall on the lambo,
  3. aku igt malas/takut nk bukak topic ni, tp bukak jgk .. akhirnya, *pengsan
  4. jhc7598

    Green Saber Club

    haha.. lightsaber green but glowing in red, cantik..
  5. wow, great!! use mail in or RLC ThunderRoller??
  6. ahaha.. red bs abis la.. lambat sgt.. smua nak, aku igt nk buat perhiasan dalam akuarium aku jer, bg ikan2 aku main2..
  7. la, dah dapat dah street show BS.. x payah la aku bg aku punya lagi..
  8. wah.. when la this wave wanna out here!! great score bro!!
  9. wah, nice!!! this is mooneyes club, so i think more are coming!!!
  10. this one is old topic la, huhu~ btw ya la, i think our master green dun have enough time to custom anymore.. busy hunting hunting~
  11. TEIN la bro, bkn TIEN, ehheh typing error.. gumbira sgt la tu, btw congrats bro.. jeles ar.. and gud boy chamy chamy...
  12. i got this problem too last time.. then i report to pos malaysia HQ at Terengganu, then they never 'shoot' my parcel anymore.. they'll place my parcel nicely on gates,
  13. wah, dah dapat SEMA dah.. tahniah tahniah!!
  14. jhc7598

    one heppi guy..

    apalagi, loosekan la!!
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