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Everything posted by danielh

  1. nice colour theme on the 370Z and the BS with new rubber wheels...damn nice!!!
  2. nice civic collection! that easter civic really nice gift.
  3. great cars!! especially that evo x police car.
  4. nice pictures! the mclaren GTR looks much better outside the blister.
  5. danielh

    Non-7E Hauls

    congrats!! all cards are nice!!
  6. this is nice!!!!!!!!!!
  7. danielh

    raok from xebec

    nice RAOK from xebec, very creative .
  8. danielh

    Gran Touring

    congrats on the $uper rats!
  9. Thanks bro..as usually when go to KL..hotwheels is in our mind btw supprise at 7E outlet at bukit bintang no sign of new wave only 5 to 10 hotwheels on the peg ....[/quote] i think it's all about good timing. When you came to KL, most of the 7E outlets in BB area are almost run out of HWs or left a fews only, Coincidently this month starting on the 26th July is the 7E promotion and they did restock the new SM wave and some current hw ratbomb, chevroletor and camaro wave.If you're lucky , you might find any one of the TH above mentioned as I did went all the outlets surrounding the BB area.
  10. nice haul, if it's rubbish, you wouldn't take it..hehe
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