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Everything posted by smilinjack

  1. Have a good time all. Was hoping to put in an appearance but duty calls-I'm off to Wallingford in the morning on a repair. If anyone sees a black Kawasaki ZZR1200 with iridium screen and two stonking great panniers, it'll be me. Give me a .
  2. Glad to help. If I were you I'd print all 23 pages off and then you'll have the works-removal/installation of CCT, timing etc etc. There's virtually a complete manual you can download in pdf form at ZXRworld. Enjoy!! I'm nothing if not helpful http://www.zxrworld.co.uk/zxr400/manual.html
  3. http://www.zxrworld.co.uk/Manuals/H%20Model/ZXR400%20H%20Chapter%204.pdf Page 11 of section marked engine top end
  4. As Trebor said, are there marks on the camshaft sprocket? Generally these should align with the top edge of the head casting when no 1 piston is at TDC.
  5. Jeez, big one. I wish him and his family all the very best and hope it works out well.
  6. Saw the thread title & thought it was about laxatives. Looking at the pic maybe it is!!
  7. Just been watching a few vids of the Spit & Lanc, for example none get that low WOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOO like when you actually see them. Must be the percussion of the air or something. Getting all misty eyed here...........
  8. We used to get the city of Lincoln flight around here quite often. Two Spitfires and a Lancaster. Now that really was an aural treat.
  9. Welcome mate. I saw a King in Essex the other day, wondered if he might be one of your crew.
  10. I'm no expert but that looks like a Dakota. Superb aircraft.
  11. B42? New one on me TBH. B52 would have been some treat, if that's what it was. And no pics
  12. Nice to see you back on dude, hope you're finding NZ to your liking.
  13. Yep had a tyre plugger under the seat for eight years, which is why I've never had a puncture with this bike I expect!
  14. Unlikely I'll be back from work in time mate. Getting a little frustrated with all this work now.
  15. In fairness that's a level of honesty not often found on Evilbay.
  16. [quote="ITCHY"] 5. get one of those butt plugs It won't reduce the wind noise but it may very well take your mind off it!
  17. Robbie, riding on the continent is not to be missed. Find Toulouse on a map & draw a horizontal line across it. Get south of that and you're basically sorted.
  18. I think they're really meant for buttheads mate.
  19. [quote="dick65"] thats criminal alan they need liberating [/quote Don't start me Dick-the guy's a serial ruiner of motor vehicles. I still kick myself when I remember the Benelli 750 Sei (well, Benelli & a half really) he sold in a variety of cardboard boxes. I had two young kids at the time & couldn't afford to buy it. It was an awesome bike when he bought it. Such a shame Hope this works.....
  20. I had the XS750 custom with a set of T bars on. Loved it. My mate actually sort of still owns it-he's got the frame & a few bits in his shed along with more or less a complete XS850 as well. Not that they'll ever see the light of day, even worse he's got a Z900 languishing in there too.
  21. Is this your first bike with a screen? They can take some getting used to and the amount of wind noise varies a lot from bike to bike. My VFR is much better than the ZZR12 for example. I went to a Shoei XR1000 which made a big difference but it's all about aerodynamics. And don't make the mistake of thinking a taller screen will reduce noise-it depends on shape, angle, your height etc etc.
  22. You'll be just fine Dave. Maybe a gentle bimble out with me is what you need.
  23. Thanks for all the messages of support gang, I'm really grateful. Been & got the death certificate & funeral pretty much sorted, I'd already cancelled my bike tour to Spain but been able to rearrange for July. I guess that will be time enough to get over this and give me something to look forward to. Thanks again.
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