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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. ive just bee using my handbrake around the carpark atwork and stuff lol. did you know it makes girls knickers fall off!
  2. if their both 12v its fine, its air horns that require morr go go
  3. ooooh very nice! that tail end
  4. too far for me but might be watching some tracks days at lydden free enty at end of month go talk to the people about me booking a track day
  5. too busy looking at the king while watch building
  6. got a dust of snow on the isle of sheppey today yet 20 miles away they had a good 2 intchs!
  7. if this job sorts out in the next couple of weeks ill let you guys know as ill be better off money wise then
  8. didnt know if you was selling it on like stan did with that hornet or keeping, and fair play mate can never have enough bikes! nice to change around
  9. i thought benetts were okay, but they have made me change my mind. 31st of march i am due to get 3 years no claims, however i phones up about renual and they told me ive lost all my no claims discount as i have a pending claim. fact was my accident in june i told them as you should, that i had been knocked off but the bloke took my wheel to motorliner to take the buckle out so didnt go through insurance. she said they cant sort it till wednesday! useless buggers, if there not putting my numberplate wrong their loosing my no claims!
  10. here is ! prince charles in country file you old fart watch it you
  11. nexk warmers tempting as mine are old!
  12. here is ! prince charles in country file you old fart
  13. just need some decent weather now!
  14. thandercat this time?? this a keeper ot a seller? looks clean thou mate
  15. okay mate thanks been holding up on southern meet as work etc, need to kow whats haoppening but ive got this one booked off
  16. good idea to stop chips etc, if you use tank bag its an idea. personally i get bored of colours, as soon as my paint gets tatty it will be a different colour, again!
  17. point still beed to buy your tent dave! i should be going as long as i can sort this new job out, as my hours are stupidly low at the hotel. fun fun
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